Python package for building, comparing, annotating, manipulating and visualising trees. It provides a comprehensive API and a collection of command line tools, including utilities to work with the NCBI taxonomy tree.
I install ete3 in a remote linux computer, and want to run ete3 with jupyter in another win7 system computer by connect the ete3 of remote linux computer, like this:
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port 8889 # in linux computer
ssh -N -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889 user@linux_node_ip # in win7 computer
then visit localhost:8888 in win7 broswer to use notebook with ete3,
but when I run ete3.Tree.render in win7 with notebook, that will kill the notebook kernel, and get error:
ETE: cannot connect to X server 0.0
I have installed xming in win7, and tried these:
export DISPLAY=localhost:0:0
import os
hi~ I install ete3 in a remote linux computer, and want to run ete3 with jupyter in another win7 system computer by connect the ete3 of remote linux computer, like this:
then visit localhost:8888 in win7 broswer to use notebook with ete3, but when I run ete3.Tree.render in win7 with notebook, that will kill the notebook kernel, and get error:
I have installed xming in win7, and tried these:
but all still get the same error.
Thanks for help~
Regard Si~