Closed PaulaRodrigo-Geograma closed 4 years ago
This and other problems that we have been encountering, will they be able to be solved in the near future? What kind of 'other problems' do you mean?
The missing namespaces are no bug in the library, they are only part of a missing feature that can be added by any contributor. You can either define you own map of namespaces in each Assertion you write (note that the last parameter of the Assert groovy class constructor accepts a map of namespaces) or you can contribute to the etf-sui-owsgtl library a map of INPSIRE View Service namespace (INSPIRE_VS_NS).
Only one class "Layer" is defined and no description of its methods or properties is specified.
Classes: Capabilities PropertyType MapType
What would be the procedure for a collaborator to contribute this information to this API?
Thanks for all your clarifications
What would be the procedure for a collaborator to contribute this information to this API?
The exact procedure needs to be discussed and agreed in the not-yet-existing ETF steering group. A first meeting with potential members will be tomorrow 20.04.2018. It is very likely that all ETF repositories will be moved to the ETF validator organisation within the next week.
Until further plans and resolutions on the contribution have been taken, you could just fork the etf-sui-ae repository, implement your changes and later create a pull request.
Where is the API etf-sui-owsgtl 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT API referenced? You can no longer access the page
We have made an analysis of the classes needed in order to develop the WMS ETS.
We have found only one class "Layer" in the package of.interactive_instruments.xtf.wms. However, no description nor methods or properties are specified.
We specified the missing classes detected in de.interactive_instruments.xtf.wms to achieve the necessary developments for validations with the view services:
There is importance to notice that the work is still under study.
Closing this in favour of EIP #36
**Please note:
This repository is intended for issue reports specific to the ETF validator. If you have an issue with an Executable Test Suite, then please use the corresponding repository, for instance the INSPIRE ETS repository if you have an issue with an INSPIRE test.
Our User, Administrator and Developer manuals are available here:**
Prerequisites for a bug report
In my company we are developing the executable tests for the view services on SOAP UI. We develop the different testCase using assertion objects type="GroovyScriptAssertion" and expressions based on the api: etf-sui-owsgtl 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT API
We find limitations on its use with this new type of services. For example:
This and other problems that we have been encountering, will they be able to be solved in the near future? Do we have to update the API in order to work on the View Services?
Operating systems and browser
Steps to Reproduce
[Describe the exact steps which can be used to reproduce the problem]
Expected behavior: [Which behavior you expected to see instead and why.]
Actual behavior: [Describe the behavior you observed after following the steps]