etf-validator / etf-webapp

:earth_africa: :mag: ETF is an open source testing framework for spatial data and services
European Union Public License 1.2
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Gradle dependencies for ETF components #156

Closed manmorjim closed 5 years ago

manmorjim commented 6 years ago

There are some Gradle dependencies that had to be modified in order to fix some issues, in our case, the etf-bsxds component. Right now, those dependencies are originally hosted on a Interactive Instruments repository and this infrastructure had to be replicated and move all of the artifacts to a new environment. What is the correct procedure? There should be an specific repository for each fork, or the dependencies will be hosted under Eurostat infrastructure?

jonherrmann commented 6 years ago

Currently interactive instruments manages the repository for the artefacts. Everything from the main master branches is build and deployed in that repository.

We do not create or manage repositories for the dependencies of forks. Contributions, like bugfixes, will be merged in the future if a Pull Request is created and the contribution passes these checks (note that this a draft version and some of the assets do not yet exist).