Re-running a test with the OGC Team Engine Test driver always results in a NullPointerException
The rerun button does not work if the test object has been cleaned up and no longer exists.
This issue is intended as a mean to keep track of this problems, and a reference to a new Pull Request with a fix of this issues.
Operating systems and browser
This issue affects both the frontend and the backend.
Steps to Reproduce
Create a new TestRun.
Go to the Test Reports tab, and click the rerun button.
Wait for the test to initialize.
Expected behavior: [Which behavior you expected to see instead and why.]
The test run initializes automatically, retrieving the provided TestObject from the ETF file system. If it is not available, it should request the TestObject again.
Actual behavior: [Describe the behavior you observed after following the steps]
Re-running a test with the OGC Team Engine Test driver always results in a NullPointerException
The rerun button does not work if the test object has been cleaned up and no longer exists.
Several issues have been reported with the recently merged PR
This issue is intended as a mean to keep track of this problems, and a reference to a new Pull Request with a fix of this issues.
Operating systems and browser
Steps to Reproduce
Expected behavior: [Which behavior you expected to see instead and why.]
The test run initializes automatically, retrieving the provided TestObject from the ETF file system. If it is not available, it should request the TestObject again.
Actual behavior: [Describe the behavior you observed after following the steps]