etf-validator / etf-webapp

:earth_africa: :mag: ETF is an open source testing framework for spatial data and services
European Union Public License 1.2
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Bugfix for Rerun button feature #209

Open carlospzurita opened 5 years ago

carlospzurita commented 5 years ago


Several issues have been reported with the recently merged PR

This issue is intended as a mean to keep track of this problems, and a reference to a new Pull Request with a fix of this issues.

Operating systems and browser

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new TestRun.
  2. Go to the Test Reports tab, and click the rerun button.
  3. Wait for the test to initialize.

Expected behavior: [Which behavior you expected to see instead and why.]

The test run initializes automatically, retrieving the provided TestObject from the ETF file system. If it is not available, it should request the TestObject again.

Actual behavior: [Describe the behavior you observed after following the steps]