etf-validator / etf-webapp

:earth_africa: :mag: ETF is an open source testing framework for spatial data and services
European Union Public License 1.2
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Bugfix 209 #217

Closed carlospzurita closed 2 years ago

carlospzurita commented 4 years ago

Reworked the mobileRouter.js to check existence of TestObject and redirect to normal TestRun dialog if it has been deleted.

jonherrmann commented 4 years ago

Codacy Here is an overview of what got changed by this pull request:

+ Solved 1

See the complete overview on Codacy

carlospzurita commented 4 years ago

We are having some delays on the development of the UI tests for this PR. We have been trying to automatize the API request to create and delete TestObjects from Hightwatch, in order to have the whole cycle for testing, but we found it difficult to do. We hope to have a test ready for today

carlospzurita commented 4 years ago

We have added a pull request on the system tests repository to test this development.