eth-brownie / brownie

A Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
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Getting error "Development network has a block height of ..." after ganache update #1475

Open AoDev opened 2 years ago

AoDev commented 2 years ago

Environment information

What was wrong?

Context: fresh install, ganache / brownie at latest versions. Steps: running ganache first, then brownie, and expecting brownie to connect to ganache rpc like usual.

Commands Ganache

"ganache-cli --networkId 137 --chain.chainId 137 --accounts 10 --fork --gasLimit 120000000 --mnemonic brownie --port 8547 --hardfork istanbul"


brownie console --network polygon-fork

(network config on port 8547)


/Users/.../.local/pipx/venvs/eth-brownie/lib/python3.8/site-packages/brownie/network/ BrownieEnvironmentWarning: Development network has a block height of 26073929

Could not attach to RPC process. If this issue persists, try killing the RPC and let Brownie launch it as a child process.

Not clear what to do.

The brownie config:

  - name: Polygon fork
    id: polygon-fork
    cmd: ganache-cli --chain.chainId 137
      accounts: 10
      gas_limit: 120000000
      mnemonic: brownie
      port: 8547

I can see that it does make some requests to ganache before failing.

AoDev commented 2 years ago

Solved by taking configs from here:

AoDev commented 2 years ago

Reopening this as the issue actually didn't go away. I managed to make it work if I let brownie launch ganache. But if Ganache is launched first, I still get the Could not attach to RPC process error.