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Attach a debugger to a running job #6

Open jgphpc opened 8 years ago

jgphpc commented 8 years ago

@iyer-arvind is the code (runtime-)compiled with debugging flags ?

iyer-arvind commented 8 years ago

No its not.

iyer-arvind commented 8 years ago

But it should be easy to change the behaviour.

jgphpc commented 8 years ago

We managed to attach DDT to a running 4 nodes job:



module use /apps/common/UES/sandbox/jgp/ebforpyfr/easybuild/modules/all
module load Python/3.5.2-CrayGNU-2016.03
module load h5py/2.5.0-CrayGNU-2016.03-Python-3.5.2-parallel
module load pycuda/2016.1.2-CrayGNU-2016.03-Python-3.5.2-cuda-7.0
module load ddt/6.1

daint01: srun -N 4 -n 4 --ntasks-per-node=1 -c 1 \
  python `which pyfr` run -b cuda -p *.pyfrm TGV-4.ini
daint01: ddt &
 Attach &


* Issue: ddt does not automatically stops inside cuda kernel
 100.0% [==============================> ] 0.30/0.30 ela: 00:06:22 rem: 00:00:00
jgphpc commented 8 years ago

The callstack of the job crashing with cuStreamSynchronize failed: unknown error points to the src of PyFR:



    File "/apps/common/UES/sandbox/jgp/ebforpyfr/
easybuild/software/Python/3.5.2-CrayGNU-2016.03/bin/pyfr", line 9, in <module>
      load_entry_point('pyfr==1.4.0', 'console_scripts', 'pyfr')()
    File "$Xscripts/", line 109, in main
    File "$Xscripts/", line 248, in process_restart
    File "$Xscripts/", line 225, in _process_common
    File "$Xintegrators/", line 197, in run
    File "$Xintegrators/std/", line 72, in advance_to
    File "$Xintegrators/std/", line 201, in step
    File "$Xsolvers/navstokes/", line 43, in rhs
    File "$Xbackends/base/", line 163, in runall
    File "$Xbackends/cuda/", line 133, in runall       return self
    File "$Xbackends/cuda/", line 105, in _wait 
              "of the metaclasses of all its bases")
  pycuda._driver.Error: cuStreamSynchronize failed: unknown error

PyFR python src:


unzip -l $SRC/pyfr-1.4.0-py3.5.egg|grep |grep cuda
==> pyfr/backends/cuda/

@iyer-arvind can you confirm this is the right place where to look at ?


PyFR compiles CUDA kernels just in time if they are needed. We do not want all the 2000 nodes to call nvcc at once, so when a small run has completed, we copy over the home directory from temp to scratch, then copy over the nidxxxx.home/pycuda/*.cubin to the image home/pycuda directory. Once that is done, PyFR will not invoke nvcc.

iyer-arvind commented 8 years ago


patrick-arm commented 8 years ago

@jgphpc Regarding "ddt does not automatically stops inside cuda kernel"

Is the pycuda-boost library compiled with "-g -G"? This would very easily explain the problem.

Edit: I read this: "is the code (runtime-)compiled with debugging flags ?" "no its not"

which confirms my suspicions.

@patrick-allinea Not sure pycuda needs recompilation: python -m pycuda.debug

jgphpc commented 8 years ago

@patrick-allinea here is a 4 nodes testcase to exercise with DDT on daint:

cp -a /scratch/daint/piccinal/24315/DDT/in .  ; cd in/
sbatch 0.slurm
# --- start
 100.0% [===> ] 0.30/0.30 ela: 00:01:37 rem: 00:00:00
# --- end
Copying over the home directory from root rank
patrick-arm commented 8 years ago

@jgphpc It's kind of working for me, although I can't see a thing.

To start, I did:

Interactive slurm session only:

module use /apps/common/UES/sandbox/jgp/ebforpyfr/easybuild/modules/all
module load Python/3.5.2-CrayGNU-2016.03
module load h5py/2.5.0-CrayGNU-2016.03-Python-3.5.2-parallel
module load pycuda/2016.1.2-CrayGNU-2016.03-Python-3.5.2-cuda-7.0
module load ddt/6.1


srun -N 4 -n 4 --ntasks-per-node=1 -c 1 \
allinea-client --ddtsessionfile /path/to/session/daint02-1 \
python `which pyfr` \
run -b cuda -p *.pyfrm TGV-4.ini

I have no access to the source code so I don't know where to set breakpoints and/or identify the CUDA part of the code where I need to ask DDT to break into.

Edit: in the "GPU devices" tab: Ranks 0 - 3: No device Running on hosts nid03181, nid04506, nid04507, nid03180. Is this a symptom of a problem, where nvidia-smi doesn't return? Are the submission command/srun commands correct?

jgphpc commented 8 years ago

@patrick-allinea could you adapt your slurm script to include:

    module use /apps/common/UES/sandbox/jgp/ebforpyfr/easybuild/modules/all     # yes
    module use /apps/common/UES/sandbox/jgp/ebforpyfr+ddt/easybuild/modules/all # yes
    module load Python/3.5.2-CrayGNU-2016.03+debug
    module load h5py/2.5.0-CrayGNU-2016.03-Python-3.5.2-parallel
    module load pycuda/2016.1.2-CrayGNU-2016.03-Python-3.5.2-cuda-7.0
patrick-arm commented 8 years ago

@jgphpc there is no pyfr in your package...

patrickw /scratch/daint/patrickw/ALLINEA-904/batch $ module load Python/3.5.2-CrayGNU-2016.03 patrickw /scratch/daint/patrickw/ALLINEA-904/batch $ which pyfr /apps/common/UES/sandbox/jgp/ebforpyfr/easybuild/software/Python/3.5.2-CrayGNU-2016.03/bin/pyfr

patrickw /scratch/daint/patrickw/ALLINEA-904/batch $ module unload Python patrickw /scratch/daint/patrickw/ALLINEA-904/batch $ module load Python/3.5.2-CrayGNU-2016.03+debug patrickw /scratch/daint/patrickw/ALLINEA-904/batch $ which pyfr which: no pyfr in

jgphpc commented 8 years ago

Fixed but now i get:

undefined symbol: MPI_File_iread_at_all

MPI_File_iread_at_all is defined in cray-mpich:

Binary file /opt/cray/mpt/7.3.2/gni/mpich-gnu/49/lib/ matches
Binary file /opt/cray/mpt/7.3.2/gni/mpich-gnu/49/lib/ matches
Binary file /opt/cray/mpt/7.3.2/gni/mpich-gnu/49/lib/ matches
Binary file /opt/cray/mpt/7.3.2/gni/mpich-gnu/49/lib/ matches
Binary file /opt/cray/mpt/7.3.2/gni/mpich-gnu/49/lib/ matches
Binary file /opt/cray/mpt/7.3.2/gni/mpich-gnu/49/lib/ matches
Binary file /opt/cray/mpt/7.3.2/gni/mpich-gnu/49/lib/ matches

but mpi4py points to an older /opt/cray/mpt/7.2.2/gni/mpich2-gnu/4.9/lib/ => /opt/cray/lib64/ (0x00002b07d4bbf000)
jgphpc commented 8 years ago

. ./submit.slm.cray 0001 # (srun python pyfr ...)

daint01: ddt & # /apps/common/UES/sandbox/jgp/ebforpyfr+ddt/tmp/Python/3.5.2/CrayGNU-2016.03+debug/numpy/


jgphpc commented 8 years ago

@iyer-arvind i install PyFR with python install which creates an pyfr-1.4.0-py3.5.egg file. Would it be possible to cp the src code instead of an egg/zip file ?


iyer-arvind commented 8 years ago

Just export PYTHONPATH=:$PYTHON_PATH and export PATH=$PATH:/pyfr/scripts

.. should work.