eth-igl / gp2024-Assignments

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Unclear instructions for task 3 skeletal animation visualization #40

Open dcamenisch opened 1 month ago

dcamenisch commented 1 month ago

In Assignment 6 PDF, Task 3 mentions both rotation matrices and quaternion rotations. The required output section states:

Visualize the animation of the input skeleton (in video or gif) from the two types of rotations (rotation matrices and quaternions).

However, in the, it states:

(Task 3) visualize the animation of the input skeleton of the hand shape from two types of input rotations (sequence and )

It appears there is missing information after "and". Additionally, the provided table suggests comparing the rotation sequence with interpolation based on the target rotation, which I assume would involve using quaternions only.

Could you please clarify what exactly is expected for Task 3?

Best regards, Danny

PeizhuoLi commented 1 month ago

Hi Danny,

Thanks for letting us know and sorry for the confusion. The required output is rotation sequence and interpolation to target rotation, as in the table of README. The input rotations are always quaternions. Both the README and the PDF have been updated.

More specifically, we made one change to the PDF:

Best regards, Peizhuo