eth-protocol-fellows / protocol-studies

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SSZ and Merkleization wiki pages #237

Closed thogiti closed 2 months ago

thogiti commented 2 months ago

Wiki PR Checklist

thogiti commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the PR! It looks almost done? Just 2 things I would elaborate on more: CL uses merkle roots for everything instead of just hashes and enables light clients to use easy proofs. The document should also explain merklization, maybe pointing to Proto's resources And one more section I would add is a comparison with RLP - what are the main benefits, features over RLP and hint that there is an effort to move everything to ssz.

Thank you @taxmeifyoucan I added a section for SSZ VS RLP comparison and briefly explained the benefits of SSZ over RLP and the intent to completely adopt SSZ.

I am now working on the SSZ merkleization. This will complete this wiki page.

thogiti commented 2 months ago

I am separating the merkleization content into a separate page. The SSZ page is already large.