eth-protocol-fellows / protocol-studies

A study group learning about Ethereum and building protocol wiki
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✨ Wiki style guide #269

Open raxhvl opened 1 month ago

raxhvl commented 1 month ago

⚠️ WIP ⚠️

Proposal: Wiki style guide

Objective: The objective of this proposal is to establish a standardised set of guidelines for Markdown files within our GitHub repository. Consistent formatting and structure will improve readability, maintainability, and collaboration among contributors.

Proposed Standardisation:

  1. Heading Title Casing:

    • All headings should follow Title Case format.
    • Example: ## Heading Title
    • Sidebar title should Title Case format.
  2. File Naming Convention:

    • Markdown files: Use descriptive lowercase names with hyphens to separate words. Example:
    • Images: Follow a similar convention, ensuring clarity and relevance. Example: image-example.png
  3. Text Formatting:

    • Utilize Markdown syntax consistently for bold, italics, code blocks, etc.
    • Maintain consistent indentation for code snippets.
    • Usage of HTML inside markdown is discouraged.
    • TBD: convention for referencing dates and other units etc.
  4. Grammar and Spelling:

    • Content must use American English.
    • Ensure correct grammar, and punctuation throughout the documents.
    • Usage of spell checker using the provided aspell command.
  5. Image Usage:

    • Include images judiciously, with descriptive filenames and appropriate alt text.
    • All referenced images of a markdown file to be hosted at the same folder.
    • Follow best practices for image resolution (ideally min width of 800 px) and size ( ideally less than 1 MB per image).
  6. Cross-Linking:

    • Include links between related content within the wiki to enhance navigation.
    • Use relative paths for internal links.
  7. Version Control:

    • Each major version to be released as a combination of ➰Fork: ethereum-fork // 🗓️ Last updated: date example : ➰Fork: Shanghai // 🗓️ Last updated: 4 March, 2024. This must be shown in the footer.
    • Define guidelines for handling changes, pull requests, and merging.
  8. Accessibility:

    • Write descriptive alt text for images to enhance accessibility.
    • Ensure text is readable for screen readers.