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ELINA: ETH LIbrary for Numerical Analysis
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Unexpected bottom after meeting constraints using elina_poly #96

Open rmonat opened 4 months ago

rmonat commented 4 months ago

I have an edge case were adding constraint x - (-9223372036854775808) >= 0 and then adding constraint -9223372036854775808 - x >= 0 yields bottom for elina_poly, which is unsound. Would there be an easy way to fix this issue?


open Apron

let test_assume name man =
  let env = Environment.make ( Var.of_string [|"x"; "y"; "z"|]) [||] in
  let a = man env in 
  (* assume x <= -9223372036854775808 /\ x >= -9223372036854775808,
     but in two steps (no issue otherwise) *)
  let e =
    Texpr1.binop Sub
      (Texpr1.var env (Var.of_string "x"))
      (Texpr1.cst env (Coeff.neg @@ Coeff.s_of_mpq (Mpq.of_string "9223372036854775808")))
      Int Near in
  let arr = Tcons1.array_make env 1 in
  let () = Tcons1.array_set arr 0 (Tcons1.make e Tcons1.SUPEQ) in
  let a = Abstract1.meet_tcons_array man a arr in
  let () = Format.printf "[%s] after meeting with constraint %a, a = %a@." name
    (fun fmt x -> Tcons1.array_print fmt x)
    arr Abstract1.print a in 
  let e' =
    Texpr1.binop Sub
      (Texpr1.cst env (Coeff.neg @@ Coeff.s_of_mpq (Mpq.of_string "9223372036854775808")))
      (Texpr1.var env (Var.of_string "x"))
      Int Near
  let () = Tcons1.array_set arr 0 (Tcons1.make e' Tcons1.SUPEQ) in 
  let a = Abstract1.meet_tcons_array man a arr in
  Format.printf "[%s] after meeting with constraint %a, a = %a@." name
    (fun fmt x -> Tcons1.array_print fmt x)
    arr Abstract1.print a

let () = test_assume "elina_poly" (Elina_poly.manager_alloc_loose ())
let () = test_assume "elina_oct" (Elina_oct.manager_alloc ())
let () = test_assume "apron_oct" (Oct.manager_alloc ())
let () = test_assume "apron_poly" (Polka.manager_alloc_loose ())

Output (with the unexpected bottom for elina_poly):

$ dune exec apron_test
[elina_poly] after meeting with constraint [|x -_i,n -9223372036854775808 >= 0|], a = [|
[elina_poly] after meeting with constraint [|-9223372036854775808 -_i,n x >= 0|], a = bottom
[elina_oct] after meeting with constraint [|x -_i,n -9223372036854775808 >= 0|], a = [|
[elina_oct] after meeting with constraint [|-9223372036854775808 -_i,n x >= 0|], a = [|
x+9.22337203686e+18>=0; -x-9.22337203685e+18>=0|]
[apron_oct] after meeting with constraint [|x -_i,n -9223372036854775808 >= 0|], a = [|
[apron_oct] after meeting with constraint [|-9223372036854775808 -_i,n x >= 0|], a = [|
x+9223372036854775808>=0; -x-9223372036854775808>=0|]
[apron_poly] after meeting with constraint [|x -_i,n -9223372036854775808 >= 0|], a = [|
[apron_poly] after meeting with constraint [|-9223372036854775808 -_i,n x >= 0|], a = [|
rmonat commented 4 months ago

In an email exchange with @GgnDpSngh highlighted that NewPolka with 64-bit integers does not seem to terminate in this case. Explanations about Elina's behavior:

The cause for issue #96 is due to the fact the constraint that you pass gets converted into x+9223372036854775808>=0. 9223372036854775808 encoded as MPQ in initial tcons is ultimately converted into int64 (the datatype used for Polyhedra in ELINA) using the call at Since 9223372036854775808 cannot be represented as int64, mpz_get_si returns 0 and instead of adding x+9223372036854775808>=0, we add x>=0. The intersection of this with the second constraint you pass is empty. This is also an unavoidable error unless mpz_get_si has some form of error detection that I can propagate through.