eth-sri / securify2

Securify v2.0
Apache License 2.0
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Does securify analyse all contracts in a contract file? #15

Open lukasdenk opened 3 years ago

lukasdenk commented 3 years ago

Some .sol-files contain several contracts. If so, does securify analyse all of them? If not, which one does it analyse?

YannisSach commented 3 years ago

Hi Lukas, Securify2.0 analyzes all contracts. However, you can choose to get only the results for the contracts you are interested in by using the argument --include-contracts.


lukasdenk commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank you!

lukasdenk commented 3 years ago

In the help-message, it says "Contracts to include in the output". Does this mean that securify analyses all contracts but only reports the specified ones or does it also just only analyse the specified ones?