ethanyanjiali / deep-vision

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Problem with different nested structue #25

Closed pritesh604 closed 3 years ago

pritesh604 commented 3 years ago

Hello all!I am using tensorflow version 2.6.0. I am working on one small object detection project I have trained YOLOV3 model on my own dataset. But while doing postprocessing of data I'm getting some strange error stating 'TypeError: 'candidate_boxes' does not have the same nested structure as its corresponding shape invariant.' git

Here is the code. ''' import tensorflow as tf

from utils import broadcast_iou, xywh_to_x1x2y1y2

class Postprocessor(object): def init(self, iou_thresh, score_thresh, max_detection=100): self.iou_thresh = iou_thresh self.score_thresh = score_thresh self.max_detection = max_detection

def __call__(self, raw_yolo_outputs):
    boxes, objectness, class_probs = [], [], []

    for o in raw_yolo_outputs:
        batch_size = tf.shape(o[0])[0]
        num_classes = tf.shape(o[2])[-1]
        # needs to translate from xywh to y1x1y2x2 format
        boxes.append(tf.reshape(o[0], (batch_size, -1, 4)))
        objectness.append(tf.reshape(o[1], (batch_size, -1, 1)))
        class_probs.append(tf.reshape(o[2], (batch_size, -1, num_classes)))

    boxes = xywh_to_x1x2y1y2(tf.concat(boxes, axis=1))

    objectness = tf.concat(objectness, axis=1)
    class_probs = tf.concat(class_probs, axis=1)

    scores = objectness
    scores = tf.reshape(scores,
                        (tf.shape(scores)[0], -1, tf.shape(scores)[-1]))

    final_boxes, final_scores, final_classes, valid_detections = self.batch_non_maximum_suppression(
        boxes, scores, class_probs, self.iou_thresh, self.score_thresh,

    return final_boxes, final_scores, final_classes, valid_detections

def batch_non_maximum_suppression(boxes, scores, classes, iou_threshold,
                                  score_threshold, max_detection):
    Unlike tf.image.combined_non_max_suppression, we are making multi-label classification on the detection

    def single_batch_nms(candidate_boxes):
        # filter out predictions with score less than score_threshold

        candidate_boxes = tf.boolean_mask(
            candidate_boxes, candidate_boxes[..., 4] >= score_threshold)
        outputs = tf.zeros((max_detection + 1,
        indices = []
        updates = []

        count = 0
        # keep running this until there's no more candidate box or max_detection is met
        # def should_continue(count,candidate_boxes_shape):
        #   return (count< max_detection and candidate_boxes_shape>0)
        # def iteration(count,candidate_boxes_shape):
        #   return candidate_boxes_shape -=1, count +=1  

        while tf.shape(candidate_boxes)[0] > 0 and count < max_detection:
            # pick the box with the highest score
            best_idx = tf.math.argmax(candidate_boxes[..., 4], axis=0)
            best_box = candidate_boxes[best_idx]
            # add this best box to the output
            count += 1
            # remove this box from candidate boxes
            candidate_boxes = tf.concat([
                candidate_boxes[best_idx + 1:tf.shape(candidate_boxes)[0]]
            # calculate IOU between this box and all remaining candidate boxes
            iou = broadcast_iou(best_box[0:4], candidate_boxes[..., 0:4])
            # remove all candidate boxes with IOU bigger than iou_threshold
            candidate_boxes = tf.boolean_mask(candidate_boxes,
                                              iou[0] <= iou_threshold)

        if count > 0:
            # also append num_detection to the result
            count_index = [[max_detection]]
            count_updates = [
                tf.fill([tf.shape(candidate_boxes)[-1]], count)
            indices = tf.concat([indices, count_index], axis=0)
            updates = tf.concat([updates, count_updates], axis=0)
            outputs = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(outputs, indices,

        return outputs

    combined_boxes = tf.concat([boxes, scores, classes], axis=2)
    result = tf.map_fn(single_batch_nms, combined_boxes)
    # take out num_detection from the result
    valid_counts = tf.expand_dims(
        tf.map_fn(lambda x: x[max_detection][0], result), axis=-1)
    final_result = tf.map_fn(lambda x: x[0:max_detection], result)
    nms_boxes, nms_scores, nms_classes = tf.split(
        final_result, [4, 1, -1], axis=-1)
    return nms_boxes, nms_scores, nms_classes, tf.cast(
        valid_counts, tf.int32)
