Hello all!I am using tensorflow version 2.6.0. I am working on one small object detection project I have trained YOLOV3 model on my own dataset. But while doing postprocessing of data I'm getting some strange error stating 'TypeError: 'candidate_boxes' does not have the same nested structure as its corresponding shape invariant.'
Hello all!I am using tensorflow version 2.6.0. I am working on one small object detection project I have trained YOLOV3 model on my own dataset. But while doing postprocessing of data I'm getting some strange error stating 'TypeError: 'candidate_boxes' does not have the same nested structure as its corresponding shape invariant.'
Here is the code. ''' import tensorflow as tf
from utils import broadcast_iou, xywh_to_x1x2y1y2
class Postprocessor(object): def init(self, iou_thresh, score_thresh, max_detection=100): self.iou_thresh = iou_thresh self.score_thresh = score_thresh self.max_detection = max_detection