ethb3rlin / find-a-team

Team formation repository - just file issues with ideas!
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[LFH]: Integrate rotki with trueblocks #54

Closed yabirgb closed 2 months ago

yabirgb commented 1 year ago

Pitch it!

Currently @rotki works with etherscan to retrieve information about transactions. It would be possible to get this information from @trueblocks instead and make the app more decentralized and independent from third parties


Talk a little about the team:

The @rotki team will be on ethberlin to hack there. We are all passionated about open source and the values behind ETHBerlin

Skills wanted

Tell us what you are looking for:


You can find us in discord or ping @yabirgb or @lefterisjp on twitter

Note that this is only a template, feel free to talk about anything you want teams to know!