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[NEW]: Decentralized trading of Electricity for a small energy community #74

Open 53bcryp70 opened 4 months ago

53bcryp70 commented 4 months ago


Talk a little about yourself: Hello my Name is Sebastian, Sustainable Systems Engineer, Dev and passioned project manager.

Last Experience : Lead a Team at the European Blockchain Convention where we build a decentralized perpetual Futures DEX and became third Place.

Idea description

Decentralized trading of Electricity for a small energy community, building a basic MVP and outline the future developments.

As mentioned from the EU-Commission,, the producers of electricity become more and more decentralized.

Therefor I see the need for a

-> decentralized marketplace for Electricity trading <-

This would bring down prices for consumers , push the energy production into a more sustainable and resilient futureand all while moving the power back to the people.

The capability of Ethereum with its smart contacts , AMM´s etc. fits exactly what is needed to facility it.

I want to outline the idea in a short whitepaper, resume it in a beautiful presentation and showcase that the backend of the blockchain is capable of solving this issue all while having a good time.


What skills do you need, or think you might need to implement the idea?


Consider leaving your personal Matrix address so that the team can contact you off GitHub.

Looking forward to connect 😊!!

jacksmithinsulander commented 4 months ago

Hey! This sounds cool, I am a solidity dev :) Do you have twitter, telegram or discord?

Discord: _pedropan Telegram: Twitter: @0xjsieth

floAr commented 4 months ago

Hey @53bcryp7, super interesting topic! As someone who is looking to increase self-sustainability with some solar panels soonish def. a lot of personal interest! I am not yet 100% sure what my goal would be for the hack but wanted to at least voice some interest :)

Here is a bit more about me:

arjanjohan commented 4 months ago

Sounds very interesting. Would love to chat, do you have telegram or discord? Message me there, my handle is arjanjohan on both platforms.