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[NEW]: on-chain tax solution #92

Open PekunaMaster opened 1 month ago

PekunaMaster commented 1 month ago


Talk a little about yourself: Hey, my name is Werner, I have a degree in tax law and in computer science. I worked for the government to implement tax law into code. After that I was working as PM for a tax startup and now I have a company that offers services to crypto traders and investors to support with their taxes. I'm probably one of the best informed people in this space talking with ministry of finance, members of parliament, teaching tax advisors.

Many of the things I do are a service and helping the investors to fix taxes after the things have been done. I want to move forward in the timeline and support people already when they are doing things onchain. There are a couple ideas that could be implemented and I could write the specs down pretty fast.

Idea 1: Sell shitcoins Buy-any-NFT or coin contract. Because losses on crypto can only be tax deducted once realized therefore it's important to be able to sell the asset which is not always the case. Especially with small cap coins and NFTs

Idea 2: Tax estimator A integration for example in Metamask that will show you how much tax you will owe for this transaction. This will only be an estimate but could be helpful to get an idea.

Idea 3: on-chain accounting. Every web3 startup or company with crypto assets has problems with accounting and finding out what any given transaction means. By adding meta information and dropping those as encrypted information on the blockchain as well.


What skills do you need, or think you might need to implement the idea?


Note that this is only a template, feel free to talk about anything you want teams to know!

PekunaMaster commented 1 month ago


We are starting to build on idea 1. A smart contract that "buys" any type of coin or NF. We are still open for people to join the team. Find us in Room 2.10.4

We will make it fun and want to have a good time here.

fabianhug commented 1 month ago

Great idea and highly needed. I’ve also thought about building this to realize scam/honeypot losses

enjoy hacking!!

Check this one too: