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ConsenSys Grants - Social Impact Challenge #27

Open datakarima opened 5 years ago

datakarima commented 5 years ago

ConsenSys Grants - Social Impact Challenge

ConsenSys Grants funds projects that meet the needs of a rapidly accelerating Ethereum ecosystem. Learn more about ConsenSys grants at

Social Impact Challenge: Ethereum has the infrastructure built to tackle pressing social issues. Leveraging the power of Ethereum, create a solution that enables the betterment of society and/or democratizes public access to resources.

How to qualify

[ ] Projects must benefit the wider ethereum ecosystem rather than one single entity. [ ] Projects that ship software must eventually be open-sourced under a suitable OSI approved license and must have a collaborative community governance model or a well-defined path to implementing one. [ ] Project will disqualify if a ConsenSys employee is on their team or they have previously received funding from ConsenSys


Take a look at our current grantees Past ConsenSys Grants Hackathon Winners

Judging Criteria

1.Project has sustainable life-cycle (i.e. can scale) and utilizes a well-established open source community supported framework and has multi-platform support 2. Team must show long term commitment in building out and seeing their project to completion. 3.The project has not been implemented before and solves the problem presented and provides a good solution


1. 1000 DAI 2. If winning team choices to apply for a grant their application would be fast tracked past 2 of 4 evaluation rounds.

froid1911 commented 5 years ago

deacix commented 5 years ago

Hey hey! Crypto Maniacs are going to apply for your bounty! We tokenized existing debts into NFT's for existing platforms like Compound, Aave etc. We made debts and platforms for lending more interoperable.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-25 um 09 20 51
dvdunterholzner commented 5 years ago

Here we go. Project "Transit" provides a Pension Plan for developing countries.

DearNadia commented 5 years ago

Take a look at the project cybaca - we created framework for self-organising community events based on Ethereum smart contract - 🦄

PhilippLgh commented 5 years ago

Re💩tation (repootation) is a react component for fast and efficient rating ❤️👍👎💩, that can be embedded anywhere on the Internet and allows to capture reactions and ratings for content in a decentralized and verifiable way. Think of it as a decentralized facebook-like-button, or github stars, or stackoverflow upvotes... Endless possibilities! Social media is critical in forming movements (think of arab spring) now you have a way to express support in a censorship resitsant and pseudonymous way.

deomaius commented 5 years ago

Perhaps the TAO could help solving some of the many governing related issues, alongside the incentivisation of a self-sustainability entity that is not skewed by based governance but rather repetitional participation via proactiveness. A constant revenue stream originating from a cDAI pool allows the entity to become financially self-sufficient and an investment opportunity for outsiders that doesn't dictate any governing power.