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Empower The DAO - ETHBerlin Integrations #13

Open chrishobcroft opened 4 years ago

chrishobcroft commented 4 years ago


Empower The DAO is a project to empower any Aragon DAO to be able to do some of the things that we, as individuals, are able to do on Ethereum...

We've been working on empowering Aragon DAOs to do things like:

More details are at


Idea description

The idea is to build integrations between Aragon's DAO platform, and other protocols... these can include existing Ethereum-based protocols, or protocols that are being created during ETHBerlin...

Some examples... to build integrations to empower any Aragon DAO to be able to democratically decide to... a message on Peepeth a CDP on MakerDAO ...add bounties using Gitcoin / ETH Bounties ...manage virtual land on Decentraland tokens using 0x ...organise an event using Kickback the lottery on Pooltogether

...or perform any action on any Ethereum-based protocol.

There is a template integration app here, which can act as a starting point for connecting Aragon to other protocols.


The project needs:

Also, a good working knowledge of the protocol that is being integrated with would be very useful, and also a familiarity with AragonOS.


Leave a comment below...

There is also a Telegram group for the project here

You can also ping me directly on Telegram chrishobcroft.

About me

I am Chris, the project lead for Empower The DAO - and I'm at my second ETHBerlin, after being on the organisation team last year.

I've been in the Ethereum space for over 2 years now, mainly as part of Livepeer.

You can find me on Twitter at chrishobcroft.

MouyouMoos commented 4 years ago

Dao tamplets for specific purpos daos would be nice like a specific finance purpose dao which could be a insurance template or community fund tamplet which are highly simple and user friendly like Just Klick on the purpose(s) you want and you get a tamplet with the apps which fit your purpose covered in a nice user interface (tamplet)