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Livepeer Mobile App (DAO-backed Project) #26

Open chrishobcroft opened 4 years ago

chrishobcroft commented 4 years ago


This video explains what Livepeer is.

Idea description (minimum viable product)

This idea is designed to initially provide a way for community to:

So, this project proposes to build a mobile app (priority Android) with a wallet built in, to allow members of the Livepeer community to do these things.

This would substantially reduce the friction for new members of the community to engage with Livepeer, and immediately start benefiting from the project with staking rewards.

Idea description (future vision)

In future, the scope of such an application could expand to include:

Technical Details

LPT Token Contract on Rinkeby.

Request test LPT by a) setting your signer to Rinkeby, b) go to Livepeer's Protocol Explorer, then c) click REQUEST



What skills do you need, or think you might need to implement the idea?


Any questions, leave a comment below.

chrishobcroft commented 4 years ago

Please visit the project's DAO, which will be used to govern this project.

To participate, you can:

chrishobcroft commented 4 years ago

Perhaps use @rampnetwork for integration between Ethereum and bank accounts to buy LPT with Fiat.

Perhaps @walleth or @universallogin for core wallet. Any other suggestions?