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Aragon DAO votes in an Aragon DAO #27

Open chrishobcroft opened 4 years ago

chrishobcroft commented 4 years ago


An Aragon DAO has the concept of Voting Tokens. If an address holds some Voting Token, it gets to vote in the DAO.

Idea description

Here's the setup:

Here's the use case:

DAOs voting in DAOs creates potential for financial networks of DAOs.

The contracts apparently exist to allow these interactions to happen at a Smart Contract level, but no User Interface. So this project might be best suited to a UX/UI + JavaScript + a little bit of Solidity



Post a question in the comments below.

tplenge commented 4 years ago

We would be interested in finding our how to cast votes in an aragon dao based upon the number of transactions a user has made in the last 12 months. It's not the same, but would like to talk if you find this relevant;

chrishobcroft commented 4 years ago

Thanks @tplenge - I think that project would be interesting, but has a different focus.

Can you think of a way to combine these ideas?