ethberlinzwei / Find-A-Team

Team formation repo - just file issues with ideas!
MIT License
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[LFT] Full-stack/Blockchain engineer #32

Closed wslyvh closed 4 years ago

wslyvh commented 4 years ago


My name is Wesley from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. +10 years of experience in enterprise software development & delivery. In the blockchain space now for about 3 years. Graduate on the first ConsenSys academy, and alumni. Currently working as freelance blockchain tech lead and founder of the blockchain Netherlands foundation.

I've seen most roles in an IT/software organization and quite versatile in terms of roles/skills.

I was mentor at ETH Berlin last year, but looking forward to build something again. Try and learn new things. Meeting new people, keeping up my coding skills.

And have some fun !


Full-stack, MERN , or C#/.NET, blockchain, Solidity, DevOps, infra.


tobias-kaiser commented 4 years ago

I am still looking for a blockchain engineer / UI dev in #18.

aquabu commented 4 years ago

Hi @wslyvh would love to hack with you on #36 : a proposal-less "Virtue DAO" that funds a swarm of autonomous contributors based on their virtue. Message me on issue #36 or on telegram @noahthorp

acrdlph commented 4 years ago

Join us if you want to work on the intersection of public transport, social media and blockchain:

wslyvh commented 4 years ago

Going to work on #25. Others are welcome to join!