ethberlinzwei / Find-A-Team

Team formation repo - just file issues with ideas!
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Legal & Governance use case #39

Open blueswanacademy opened 4 years ago

blueswanacademy commented 4 years ago

Legal Hacking!

My name is Juan, originally from Colombia, based in Berlin for 6 years. I have a legal background and work since 2017 full time in blockchain projects.

I am co-leading the project of Blue Swan Academy. We are building an open blockchain law academy. The mission is to educate and train legal professionals in blockchain tech. We believe that the legal service market will grow and that the skill set requires by legal professionals will change. We want to close the current skill and knowledge gap.

Idea description

Build a prototype around one of these topics: (corporate) governance / collective decision making (Aragon / Open law), decentralized justice (Kleros), smart securities (finance.openlaw), tokenization. These are examples of exciting, revolutionary protocols on top of Etherum already on mainnet.


What skills do you need, or think you might need to implement the idea?


Consider leaving your personal Riot/Status address so that the team can contact you off GitHub.

romanoing commented 4 years ago

HI, how can i meet you?