ethberlinzwei / Find-A-Team

Team formation repo - just file issues with ideas!
MIT License
13 stars 11 forks source link

I'd like to be part of a team that works on real estate, or of asset tokenization, or of DAO. However, I also evaluate other types of ideas #41

Open romanoing opened 4 years ago

romanoing commented 4 years ago

My name is Domenico Romano. I am a construction engineer and I have a degree in computer science. I found in Ethereum a good reason to resume my computer studies. My approach is not that of a low-level programmer, but of an advanced user of smart contract standards that codifies smart contracts for my needs. I like to use Remix with Solidity and OpenZeppelin, deploy my smart contracts on ropsten, synchronize them with my DApps (made in VUE environment) via web3. Professionally works in the field of real estate and I would like to offer my clients trust, automation and decentralization by smart contracts in Ethereum ecosystem. In this hackthon I'd like to be part of a team that works on real estate, or of asset tokenization, or of DAO. However, I also evaluate other types of ideas

I am very familiar with the English language, although I am not fluent

more info :

my skills are:_


romanoing commented 4 years ago

I will arrive tomorrow at around 8.30pm to 9.00pm

Canalytic commented 4 years ago

Come find us on riot #bendicion