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Rotki: Looking for hackers to help people take ownership of their financial data #58

Open LefterisJP opened 4 years ago

LefterisJP commented 4 years ago

Let's enable people take ownership of their financial data

Rotki is a portfolio tracker, analytics and accounting tool for crypto that unlike virtually every other competitor out there does not hold your data in a centralized server.

It's a local application that can interface with the Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains and with a number of cryptocurrency exchanges and provides you with a comprehensive history of all your transactions, trades, asset movements and more. And all this is local, encrypted with a password of your choice. Your data never leaves your computer.

Rotki's mission is to enable people to take ownership of their financial data.


Skills wanted

We are looking for people who want to hack on Rotki for fun during the hackathon but most importantly turn into long-term contributors to the project in the long run. People who would share our passion for data ownership, transparency, auditability and opensource.

Most appreciated skills would be UI/UX but anything from python, node.js, typescript, vue.js, business development to marketing would be welcome.


What do you get out of this?

We got no bounties set. This is a small opensource project with no budget for bounties.

We only want you to work with us if you would be interested in the topic and want to eventually stay on as a long term contributor.

But there is a lot to gain from helping us: