ethberlinzwei / Find-A-Team

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[LFT] Lucky cat on a chain #7

Open step21 opened 4 years ago

step21 commented 4 years ago


Hi, I first got into Eth way back when, when we started the first meetups in Berlin and I researched it and similar models - anybody remember Mastercoin? ^^- for a research job. Have been writing or involved withit since then in various capacities and intensities. Now I want to build something again and find out what's new that I don't know about.

Idea description


I have a lucky cat that I will probably bring, that has RGB led eyes that can broadcast messages (in morse) and can move with the arm. A speaker or similar could potentially be added too. It was always the plan to bring it to blockchain in some way. However, right now, it runs on an ESP8266 and that is not powerful enough to run a full light client for example. Something like Elk might work much better, if it fits, but it is not available yet either way. But in any case it could call to apis and do stuff with that. So far my ideas were to allow for the broadcast of messages by sending transactions to a specific contract or maybe have a special action if you send a crypto kitty friend to play (if possible). Nyancat sound? Furthermore, for Android there exist apps that decode morse (with varying success) but none any more for iOS. So any ideas and implementations that make the cat cooler or more useful are welcome, as well as app devs that help with iOS development. However this is only a side project or in case I don't find anything else to do, I do not want to keep people from more useful projects. But I still like the cat :)


Ideas, embedded programmers, smart contract developers, crypto kitty experts, What skills do you need, or think you might need to implement the idea?

Communication /0x042b18530d605c52d3d26e6d5590efaad2e14ab52d53735af9271fec3e721a64ae7ddaf1388148e351720b9d3f5d89b2aae9bfd187da12f2555cacf42d32125777

step21 commented 4 years ago

It could optionally also compete for the Raiden IoT challenge if people are interested.