ethberlinzwei / Find-A-Team

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[NEW] Local-First Tech meets Blockchain #8

Open jam10o-new opened 4 years ago

jam10o-new commented 4 years ago


Heya, I'm JAM

Long time (pre-ethereum-genesis) reddit and forum troll in this space, recently migrated to Twitter and productive work as a Support Engineer at Parity.

My skillset lies in passively learning things from the people around me 😅 so I've osmosed a little bit of rust from my co-workers, plenty of solidity and js from "the community" and projects throughout the past few years, and lots of "general ecosystem knowledge and trivia". I help people run parity-ethereum on a daily basis. In a past life I could competently prototype "full-stack" in Python, Javascript, and Clisp, (not at the same time... ) but I am currently very rusty at actual dev work.

I got sucked into the Ethereum community in 2014 at the pre-launch London meetups - and then fell off the face of the planet before genesis and failed to engage at all until 2016.

I was in town for last year's events, I had just moved to Berlin a few days before it began so I passed on participating and immediately regretted it. I'm honestly here because of FOMO because everyone seemed to have enjoyed it so much.

Idea description

I want to build a team around interfacing the "traditional" blockchain world to the Local-First world.

Problem: singletons like blockchains require constant internet access to use safely - but if you only want a piece of state that belongs to you that others can read, you can use offline-first tech and only resolve your state onto the chain when you need to - sounds like a payment or state channel, right? That's because that's basically all you need!

That means potentially bridging Ethereum to ecosystems like SSB or Dat although obviously in reality this is a difficult and involved task, so I would propose doing something more focused like sending Ethereum block headers over these protocols, verifying Dat archives or SSB posts on chain on Ethereum, or creating a simple sneakernet based protocol that plugs into Ethereum based on local-first principles - I have no strong attachment to any idea specifically and would very much like others to share what they might want to do.


Ideally: State Channel Builder/Architect Accessibility-focused UX Designer React Native Magician (or other mobile dev who is comfortable plugging c or rust libraries into their mobile frontends) Native Code / Core Dev (Go or Rust - I can help more with rust)

and then go ahead because you probably won't need me anymore, haha 😅


Riot: Status: jam10o.stateofus.eth Twitter: jam10o