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EIP Improvement Process
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EIP-5000: Renumber to EIP-5159 (PR #5270) – Call for Transparency and Clean Rules #284

Closed ProphetZX closed 11 months ago

ProphetZX commented 11 months ago

With regard to „EIP 5000: (PR #5270) Renumber to EIP-5159“, I would like to ask for a review and call for transparency with regard to what happened in these EIPs, issues, and pull requests. Unfortunately, reading the codified responses, it is hard to grasp for a less technically-inclined person such as myself, what exactly happened here.

Thank you!


SamWilsn commented 11 months ago

The extremely short version (from memory, so things may be out of order or just wrong):

  1. Pull request was opened by a bot waiting for number 5000. This was admitted by the EIP authors.
  2. I assigned the number 4998 instead, since we try and discourage number sniping.
  3. lightclient asked me in private if he could assign a different number.
  4. Pull request was merged as EIP-5000.
  5. Two other pull requests were opened, one to delete EIP-5000 and one to renumber it to EIP-5159.
  6. Argument among EIP Editors ensued.
  7. New decision making process ratified in EIP-5069.
  9. Deadline elapsed.
  10. As Keeper of Consensus, I determined the rough consensus to be "don't renumber", with:
    • In favour of renumbering: myself, xinbenlv, and g11tech.
      • it was number sniping.
      • one of the EIP authors is an editor, and should've been held to a higher standard.
      • Broken Windows Theory.
      • Unfair to authors who didn't snipe, and to authors who sniped and were manually reassigned.
    • Opposed to renumbering: pandapip1, lightclient, gcolvin
      • Wasn't technically against the rules in EIP-1 at the time.
      • It's been so long it'll just cause more confusion now.