ethcatherders / EIPIP

EIP Improvement Process
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Call for Input: Change Author Username in ERC-6672 #331

Closed SamWilsn closed 1 month ago

SamWilsn commented 3 months ago

Call for Input

Decision Do we merge ?
If Affirmed [ERC-6672]('s author list is updated.
If Rejected No change.
Method Rough Consensus
Deadline May 2nd, 2024


@SamWilsn has verified the identity of the author by email.

SamWilsn commented 3 months ago

I am in favour of merging this pull request.

SamWilsn commented 3 months ago

@xinbenlv has also expressed support on the pull request.

abcoathup commented 3 months ago

I'm against (I don't have a vote). I'm generally against any changes to final EIPs. We should have a wiki page for each EIP where errata/updates can be added.

For GitHub username changes, at the very least I would want a repeatable process. Ideally a combination of both:

  1. multiple authors of an EIP approve the GitHub name change
  2. GitHub evidence that the name was changed by the author themselves
g11tech commented 3 months ago

i guess we would want to reflect the new names but as @abcoathup mentions, its better done by some repeatable process

SamWilsn commented 3 months ago

Is "open a Call for Input" an insufficiently repeatable process?

xinbenlv commented 3 months ago

my stance:

If that needs to be in errata instead of the preemble it's fine to me.

I am fine either way.

Call for input every time seems to be too slow and requires unnecessary consensus of editors which is scarce resource, but I am ok if everyone wants to do call for input.

lightclient commented 3 months ago

I approve

abcoathup commented 3 months ago


Is "open a Call for Input" an insufficiently repeatable process?

Call for input is too slow, takes up too much governance resources and should be for exceptions.
If the agreement is that username changes will be allowed under certain conditions (which appears to be the consensus) then any editor can merge when the conditions are met. e.g. >50% of authors approve

SamWilsn commented 3 months ago

Call for input is too slow

If editors responded more quickly/reliably, this wouldn't be an issue. The deadline is only there to keep things moving when some editors don't participate.

Is changing usernames on a final proposal a time sensitive issue?

If the agreement is that username changes will be allowed under certain conditions (which appears to be the consensus) then any editor can merge when the conditions are met. e.g. >50% of authors approve

This comes up rarely enough that I don't think we need a formal process. We're like... six people. Just ask one of us to make the change, and we can sort it out.

xinbenlv commented 3 months ago

Call for input every time seems to be too slow and requires unnecessary consensus of editors which is scarce resource, but I am ok if everyone wants to do call for input.

For the context of this issue, I am in favor while with a different reason

SamWilsn commented 1 month ago

The general consensus seems to be to merge this pull request.