ethcatherders / EIPIP

EIP Improvement Process
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EIPIP Meeting 106 #340

Closed poojaranjan closed 5 days ago

poojaranjan commented 1 month ago

Date and Time

July 03, 2024 at 17:30 UTC


Zoom: TBA in the Discord #eip-editing channel

YouTube Recording: EIPIP Meetings


1. Discuss Open Issues/PRs, and other topics

Edit to Final Proposals

Update to EIP-1

Misc Issue/ requires attention?

Call For Input Status Inclination/Result Deadline
343 Open July 28, 2024

2. Other discussions and updates from past meetings

3. EIPs Insight - Monthly EIPs status reporting.

Repo Issues PRs Total
EIP 11 76 87
ERC 4 71 75
RIP 1 11 12


4. EIP Editing Office Hour

5. Review action items from earlier meetings

Next Meeting date & time

July 17, 2024 at 17:30 UTC

Dexaran commented 1 week ago

I would like to attend the EIP editors meeting to discuss security issues with ERC-20 and ERCs in general. I was raising this concern some time ago, there was some brainstorming done ( and this but there was no outcome and it seems this topic is not moving.

So I would like to:

frangio commented 1 week ago

Consider discussing how to resolve the EIP-7212 migration as it is still up and appears valid even though the current spec is RIP-7212. Among other things the precompile address is different from the one in RIP-7212 and i'm concerned someone might mistake it for the true spec.

Dexaran commented 6 days ago

There is a known problem of ERC-20 standard which resulted in a loss of $83,000,000 worth of tokens in smart-contracts with verified source codes on Ethereum and another $150,000,000 are most likely lost in other contracts.

I discovered this problem in 2017 and I reported it multiple times.

So, I think that considering the results of the implementation of @gcolvin 's proposal regarding handling problem disclosures in EIP process - the strategy needs to be changed.

"Final = no change" rule resulted in a situation where an issue which is known for 7 years caused $80M to $230M damage to the ecosystem and that issue is still not fixed even though a number of solutions was proposed years ago.

The following points are required to actually solve the problem (by "solve" I mean (1) reduce the number of pure ERC-20 contracts that will be deployed with this issue in the next years and (2) reduce the amount of funds that will be lost because of this issue in Ethereum ecosystem. It is possible to mitigate a significant part of damage without breaking compatibility with ERC-20 standard, but implementors need to know about it):

Those requirements are not my personal invention, but based on the documents describing C++ standards evolution and security issue reporting practices.

A good example of how implementors may treat a "known issue" is OpenZeppelin:

The current pure ERC-20 implementation in their repo is directly affected by the described issue and if you would copy & paste contracts from their repo then it would inevitably cause the holders of these tokens to lose funds as it happened with other tokens of this standard already

Providing a description of issues as well as the recommendations on how this issues can be mitigated, solved or avoided is important. Providing the solution and communicating it to the implementors may be even more important than disclosing the issues on it's own.

My proposals

  1. I insist that the proposal to add ERC-20 problem description to the text of ERC-20 and include the possible ways of solving that problem are a better option than what @gcolvin proposed. Therefore I would recommend to change the "final = no change" rule to "final applies to the specification of the EIP text, security considerations can be appended". It is absolutely not possible to identify and describe all the software issues once and for all.
  2. I would like to revive and push it to the "final status" as an informational EIP. It can be linked from the "Security Considerations" section of ERC-20.
  3. The development must be driven by real problems. Add a rule "if some problem caused a financial loss and it can be verified through the transaction history in the blockchain then the description of the problem can be added to the corresponding EIP security considerations". This would remove the burden of judging whether something is a security issue or not from EIP editors and allow for communicating the most important information to the implementors.

@SamWilsn raised a question whether it is necessary to add issues like "you can send a ERC-XXX token to a wrong address and therefore lose your money" to the security considerations sections of EIPs. I would like to address this claim in a separate comment below.

poojaranjan commented 5 days ago


1. Discuss Open Issues/PRs, and other topics

Spam Issues - Closed

2. Other discussions and updates from past meetings

Security issues with ERC-20 and ERCs in general. Ref:

Discuss blockers to merge a Pull Request

@poojaranjan shared main reasons identified for open PRs

Also, the group discussed merging the Draft PR with a minimum requirement. Most of the editing reviews will be done when the EIP is moved to Review status.

poojaranjan commented 5 days ago

Closing in favor of #346

Dexaran commented 4 days ago

@poojaranjan I've updated the comment

Links were provided, my proposals are stated.


"Do we need to add issues like sending to wrong address to the text of each ERC describing a token that can be sent to wrong address?"

Sending to wrong address is a protocol-level issue. It is related to what is considered a valid "account" in Ethereum. Considering any pattern of 42 hexadecimal symbols as a valid transaction recipient is not the best idea. In theory the ENS was designed to solve it but it failed to gain sufficient adoption.

There are alternative implementations. For example in EOS there is a built-in naming service and this is how a EOS account looks like

This is how a contract looks like in EOS

And if you will try to access an EOS account that doesn't exist (i.e. it is not assigned to any public key) then you will not be able to do this

Similarly, if you would try to send funds to a "non-existing account" in EOS - the transaction will fail.

Is sending to wrong address a problem? - Yes, it is. In my opinion it can be classified as a security problem because it threatens the safety of users funds. But this is a different problem than the one I was reporting earlier. And it is a protocol-level problem.

Is it worth adding a protocol-level problem to every text of every EIP which is affected? - In my opinion no. If there is a EIP that describes how addresses are derived from a private key in Ethereum then it would be the right place to mention this problem.

If you would like to completely remove the burden of making this types of decisions from EIP editors then I would support it either. Anyways it's better to have a protocol-level issue described in every token ERC and ERC-20 issue described in ERC-20 text than not to have any issues described at all.

I would propose to implement an anti-spam threshold i.e. "If there are more than X amount of $ lost because of a certain problem then it must be added to the security considerations section of affected EIPs/ERCs" so that to avoid describing spam issues that pose no real threat. For example you can deliver Ether to a smart-contract via SELFDESTRUCT bypassing the fallback function invocation but this issue caused about $0 losses to the users of the ecosystem during the past 7 years unlike the ERC-20 issue which caused about $80M-$230M.

P.S. The same applies to counterfactual contracts. Before the contract is created it mustn't be considered an entity capable of receiving a financial transaction. This bypasses fallback function invocation and must be considered an anti-pattern in general. Ether can also be lost this way and it's a similar issue of "account generation".