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# Ethereum Cat Herder Meeting # 127 #396

Closed Majordalaw closed 6 months ago

Majordalaw commented 6 months ago

Ethereum Cat Herder Meeting # 127

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 12th March 2024 at 16:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 0.8 hour

GitHub Agenda Page

[Audio/Video of the meeting] (

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Lawrence Aniawana


Pooja Ranhan [0:00] ( Hello everyone, welcome to ethereum cat Herder meeting 127. This is issue number 394 at ETH cat herders /pmrepo. We have usual agenda on with the regular updates for this meeting agenda as regards with Protocol application development, Network Upgrade and other new initiatives but before we get into the events of today, we have a couple of new contributors that joined us

0. New Contributor Introductions

Sunny [0.47] ( I met Pooja in Denver, I'm a Product operator that works for Bitby, Bitby is a product that tokenizes web2 domains onchain. We are the first product on Ethereum Network and our found is an EIP editor "Joe". He linked me and Pooja in Denver two weeks ago, i want to learn and understand how the Protocol works on a development level and also see how i can be able to contribute better in the future

Lawrence [03.13] ( I'm Lawrence, a Product Designer got to know about ETHCatheaders from Rory, I have been working on the web3 space for like 3 years currently, where i design and do user research for projects. I worked with Rory in the ETHGlobal, that's where i got in contact with him and got to know about ETHCatheaders and I'm also looking for how i can be able to contribute effectively here with my design skills and efforts.

1. Ethereum Network Upgrades

Pooja Ranhan [03.42] ( Ethereum will be expecting it's second Upgrade, post Dencun, that means tomorrow which is 13th of March and i's like to remind everyone to Update their client/ validator nodes since the Upgrade will be happening in less than 24 hours and also check Ethereum Foundation blogposts to check our client versions that are compatible with the Decun upgrade and here are some links that are Important that can be used for the Upgrade

Pooja Ranhan [05.15] With that i would like to encourage people to look at our learn to earn Dapp, the link to the Dapp is added to our Agenda, and also earn NFTs by attempting to answer questions that are provided in the learning modules. For some reasons, the server has nothing been working for a day or two but we believe that it has been updated and believe it is working fine right now.

George Hervey [05.39] ( It is working fine right now. The issue has been worked on, we reboothed the server, Learn to earn is working now. Anybody can check it out now.

Pooja Ranhan [06.10] ( Thanks very much and also to the user tester that flagged this isssues for us, it is working very fine and okay now. Catherders and co will be hosting the Decun livestream with ETH Stakers and Anthony Sesalle from the League way, which will be started at 13:00 UTC and also make sure to tune in and support us while we're celebrating this event of another upgrade on Ethereum Mainnet and we hope to bring some interesting content and we will like to talk about communities in general and also interact with them to know what they will like to see in the next upgrade and also how they feel about the recent happening in the Ethereum network. And there will be a 90sec explainer video of EIP that has been considered for inclusion for the Dencun Upgrade. You will be hearing directly from the authors of these proposals and we expect to have some fun fact quiz to be held for more information, check the links on the agenda. I have added a few more content with respect to the Dencun Upgrade so you can checkout Hardfork Meta for Decun and also on the ETHCatherders discord for more information so be sure to be there. New people to the community may not be conversant with hardfork Meta, so this is a proposal which contain the list of all EIPs that developers that are considering for an upgrade. This hardfork Meta was discontinued for quite sometime but with this Decun Upgrade it is being brought back, and also the following upgrade for Prague/Electra. We have also created hardfork Meta for Osaka prague. For Specs we have added the repository for ELNCL Clients and Decun do check it out. Slightly related to network upgrade Gully networked had been depleted because developers has stopped contributing/supporting it, althought it can be managed by community by Ethereum Developers, please prep to move your testing to Ephemery/halskey or Seopolia network. Ephemery are for more validator testing, Halskey we are expecting it to here around for long term and it is for large validator testing and for managing the dapp that will be used on that particular testnet, you can also find all the information on these testnets on ethereumcatherders/testnet page.

2. Other Application & Protocol Development

Pooja Ranhan [11.14] ( Moving on to other protocol development, we do have MEV community call development on going, Etherna Week is an opportunity to meet some contributors. They made a mention of coming up with improvement proposals which could be useful for the MEV community and we could be seeing it on EIP github repository and and i'm looking forward to learning more on MEV and also the proposals upcoming, if you're interested the call is being organized by Alex Stoosh, which we can follow on twitter.

[We are expecting Roll Up call tomorrow at 14:00 UTC] and i have also added a link to the Reall Calls which are for Roll Up Hill. There's a new call started by the team and its called ethereum sequencing and Preconf call, there are multiple calls ongoing we are trying to collect information on all of them and be able to add it over here, i would encourage volunteers to add meetings which are not included as of now however Catherders are tring to extend their support and i am personally been able to join the EOF implementers meeting and am hoping to support ETH Multi call meeting from next week and we are already support wallet calls. Do reach out to us if there's any way in your capacity that you can use to support us through our Github, which link is down below. There are multiple breakout room happening as well, the link has been added to the meeting for breakout room as well, which was there for Inclusion list as well,like which proposals will be included and people should keep an eye on this proposals and see if there can share resources from there. I wonder, if anybody on ETHCatherders will be willing to write some Technical articles/ informative artcile for the community, anything that new comers can make use of

[RollCall #2.1 Breakout - 4844 Testing [2024 01 24]]

Santhosh [14.46] ( Will the writing be specific to ECH or anyform of writing.

Pooja Ranhan [14.53] ( It can be something related to the Ethereum protocol, it can be ELF documentation or an article that can help people set up validator nodes.

Santhosh [15.17] ( Sure, I'll check it out

Pooja Ranhan [15.20] ( Perfect, i hope that we will start building this kind of content for our community and anyone interested in working in that direction should reach out to me

3. Events, Fellowship, Hackathon

Pooja Ranhan [15.39] ( So 2 weeks ago, in Denver we had an opportunity to talk about EIPs and also how EIPs are helping the Ethereum evovle and i gave a talk on "Evolving Ethereum with improvement proposals", I've added the link here for people to reference. There were multiple events and one was EIP day organized by fellowship of Ethereum magicians and Namefi, thank you sunny for sponsoring the event and that was another great event to interact with EIP authors, we get to learn more about what they are looking for and this morning i was in a conversation this morning, where we are hoping to start something new to collect feedback. I know fellowship of ethereum magicians is a very good forum for having this documented contributions, collection of thoughts and feedback but it will really be good or i hope it will add value to have something on regular like we do for EIP editing and feedback Office hours. If anyone has any thoughts around that, do reach out to me and we could figure something out on that. And also Namefi, if you have any initiative on around that, please do feel free to reach out to me, we could work something out. Namefi, if you have anything towards that direction please let us know. We did get a chance to talk to new fellows of Ethereum protocol fellowship and i was very excited to learn that one of our earlier contributors of ECH are also planning to be one of the fellows. So EPIP started a study group which is 3 sessions before the next cohort is announced, if you are not a part of that you can still be, it is open to community call that happens every monday there is also a dedicated discord group to coordinate this meetings and share resources. There is also a website with respect to the current ethereum protocol and if you want any more information on this, i think we are joined by a couple of contributors of EPL on our discord



Women's Day celebration thoughts and ideas

Pooja Ranhan [18.56] ( We had women's day celebration with WIEP (Women in Ethereum Protocol) This session was in association with Ethereum foundation, we are in the process of onboarding more women developers into protocol development. We know the blockchain ecosystem is quite big and we do have a lot of contributors on the application side including women and we do have diversity there and also in protocol development as well. So the group WIEP hopes to onboard more contributors and make sure to have all resources available to them, we have created a discord channel which we sharing all content which is ethereum related resources and also job opportunities. If you are listening to his and you want to be a contributor to this space. I think WIEP will be a good place for you, please do reach out to me or other team members and we will be happy to provide all relevant information to you.

[Women in Ethereum Protocol]

Academic Grants

Pooja Ranhan [20.28] ( There's an academic grant from Ethereum foundation to support research work,the grant has been closed now but there's a wishlist out if out, incase anybody is interested in the Wish list, please do reach out because we will try to support in whatever way it's possible. I know from MEV side that Alex Stooks tweeted about working in some of this such areas but if you are interesed do reach out. There are so many ways that you can contribute to the Ethereum ecosystem and we are here to help you out. We are expecting ETHBerlin in May 24th or 26th and speaker submissions are open coupled with hacker participation, if you are interested do check out the website and make your application. I would recommend that it is a good idea to share about these, we have a dedicated discord channel for Hackathon and fellowship, if you will share your information over there, we will be happy to add them into the meeting agenda

Pooja Ranhan [22.43] ( Moving on with new initiative and agenda, The next one is new initiative Association and team discussion. I believe we have updates from ZK on the ecosystem project demo but i do not see ZK on the call, but i think he is working on sharing ecosystem project demo for two projects that's the last time that i had a chance to get the videos of the projects he is currently working on, to share them but had some access issues that has been resolved already. I also encourage people to think of some new ideas around how we can increase our community engagement to have people involved with ethereum protocol development, if one can think of anything new that Catherders should consider, please do reach out to us. Moving on to the Development section and also on the implementation of our new website "" and also don't know if you have any updates on the website George?

George Hervey[24.18] ( I have no updates on the new domain, that's mainly i and but we plano on doing the V3 which is basically to optimise the backend, visual changes and everything there's too know about that and in terms of status, we are currently working on that

Pooja Ranhan [25.11] ( It is a good thing to know that the V3 version is mostly working on the backend and not on the frontend but we will also like to upgrade our website to content more easily accessible to users and contributors

Lawrence [25.43] ( Maybe Poojah interms of helping to scale the accessibilty of the website, i can be able to create contents and also visual representation of ideas.

Pooja Ranhan [25.57] ( Sure, that will be great lawrence, thank you so much. Moving ahead, i think it is a good thing that ZK just joined because we just moved on to ecosystem project demo, don't know if you could maybe share updates on that.

zk [26.17] ( Yeah, so there's two already edited updated episodes, that will go like very soon, this week was with Micah which is intercepter and next week the other will follow

Pooja Ranhan [26.37] ( : Great and this is not related to the ecosystem, unless we will come back to it later on. Thank you very much Do you have anything planned for future meetings?

zk [26.49] ( : Nothing at the moment, but i was thinking of reaching out to danny from Posh protocol which is EPNS

Pooja Ranhan [27.19] ( Okay sure, do let if me know if anything comes up, i think i had a chat with some couple of projects even though it is not added to the meeting agenda, i will ping you them once i get the right references that you can reach out to.

zk [27.39] ( : Totally will appreaciate that.

Pooja Ranhan [27.41] ( Perfect, the next one is a new Github as i mention earlier that we have "" People can check and i hope that github is redirecting to this new repository nicely but if anyone is having any issues everything is the same except for the base domain because now we have ETHcatherders and there are some stats but we can perhaps skip that

ECH engineering

Pooja Ranhan [28.26] ( Concerning the latest update on this medium stats, is it possible to get it done by tomorrow and george i suppose this question is for you. it was talked about on the Decun page

George Hervey[28.56] ( Yes, i'll work on those updates.

Pooja Ranhan [29.17] ( I think that will be good for people to follow later on because after tomorrow, we would like to focus on the next step creates. And also did some mention that the ETHcatherders discord link needs to be updated on the website? Also check up on the discord link, even though i hope this will be fixed with the V3 version

George Hervey[30.07] ( Yeah, it also needs to be fixed on the V2 like right now, i'll check it out myself later

Pooja Ranhan [30.14] ( Okay cool, I don't know for some reason i can't see the herders on the list here but i'll like to invite haresh to talk about it

Haresh [30.38] ( Heyyy Poojah, Sorry about all the delays, but i had a chat with george and we should be recording something next week, that should be good like one episode per month and this month i'll try to reach out to ZK but after that i might need some help to reach out to members who could not respond to me and i think that should be good for this month and next month

Poojah Ranhan [31.19] ( don't want to disclose your location but as per our last discussion, whereever you mentioned i think there's another resource who i had a chat with at Denver, so i'll ping you his name and if you could coordinate with him, you could get another person to interview.

Haresh [31.38] ( That would be awesome, if you would send me the details and i can follow up on that.

Poojah Ranhan [31.43] ( Okay perfect, so we have three lined up here and we hope to see more episodes . So very well we are good to go with that..

Poojah Ranhan [31.56] ( I think i have a youtube short ready of Danny and i hope we can share it tomorrow if not today.

Poojah Ranhan [32.32] ( According to this we have received only one final proposal which is ERC7092 reaching to the final and congratulations to the author. And we have one draft proposal which is in networking, on EIP side. We have filed ERC and 2 proposals moved in review. Please do check out the list of other proposals.

Poojah Ranhan [33.15] ( : On PEEPanEIP, i do not have anything lined up after the Decun Upgrade, i am hoping to get intouch with more authors and get something lined up, but if people have more suggestions on EIPs/ERCs that they are interested in learning, please do let us know and we will try to reach out to the author and get the talk available.

Poojah Ranhan [33.15] ( : On ECH funding, i suppose we should be applying for Octant Epoch 3, i think that is on my to-do list for today as Zk i might want to connect with you later today and i think the deadline is near by and we might have to arrange some community call, but what are people's thought on having general twitter spaces or some community call, if we can arrange

ZK [34.15] ( I think something like that will be good, when Octant had done one for us, it resulted in quite a few people that were interested into joining. I think any engagement that we could get for the community will always be good.

Poojah Ranhan [34.39] ( I had a chat with a representative over there, instead of them inviting for twitter spaces, it is normally other way round and also could we arrange something for them and also think this is as week where they are expecting application, talks and am hoping for their meeting to sync with ours on discord or community call which we can join this thursday and also organize something and then invite them.

ZK [35.24] ( spaces generally are easier, i can do the hosting while you do the talking and i think it is a good idea,

Poojah Ranhan [35.35] ( Okay, let's connect later today and figure out how to do that because we would want to get that thing going and we can mint in our arena prescence, because that's where we will get support

ZK [35.54] ( I think this time around it is supposed to be more people and probably less of a marching but still i mean it is good to be included

Poojah Ranhan [40.29] ( Someone made a mention concerning out website on the comment section and we have done it, we would hope for anybody to create an issue if there on some links not working do point it our so that we can pick it up from there.. Seems we have concluded the action items on our list today and this is the conclussion of the meeting incase anybody has something to add on this chapter of our meeting.

George Herney [40.38] ( So i did like a quick scan and i'll check the other pages, i saw some inconsistencies based on like a quick scan and the github link worked and also one other thing is that i made a PR on the website to update Decun page would have mentioned that earlier

Poojah Ranhan [41.21] ( Thank you for doing that, it will contain like the latest changes for the medium and the youtube link

George Herney [41.36] ( : Not the Youtube link but it will reflect the changes on the medium link

Poojah Ranhan [41.43] ( Perfect, let me go and launch this because the medium post itself contains the youtube links. And also thank you for the PR and support .. So thank you all for joining the meeting and see you in two weeks


Next Call - March 26, 2024.

poojaranjan commented 6 months ago

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