ether / ep_font_color

Font Color Plugin for Etherpad
Apache License 2.0
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Formatting get not exported to other formats #33

Open lisandi opened 2 years ago

lisandi commented 2 years ago

When exporting a complete formatted file the given values do not get exported to .doc, .md, .odt, .pdf, etc. Check issue as it is not clear if it is a problem with the core import/export functionality or a problem with the plugins that provide that information. The document inside etherpad gets actually properly formatted by those plugins!

That is the page that got exported! You can upload the NEW.ETHERPAD.txt file - remove (txt) before uploading. Screen Shot 2021-10-01 at 17 46 29 Other export formats look as follow - on the same page: Github doesn't like all formats so .txt got added and needs to get removed first.

JohnMcLear commented 2 years ago

Please provide exact steps to replicate!