ether / etherpad-lite

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Button for useMonospaceFont #128

Closed themasch closed 12 years ago

themasch commented 12 years ago

as discussed in irc. Here it is!

wscott commented 12 years ago

Not used? That is the one feature I was missing to make this useful.

Perhaps there is a config option to ALWAYS use monospace? I did discover I can add ?useMonospacedFont=true to the URL to control this. Useful, but a bit awkward

themasch commented 12 years ago

@wscott: i absolutely second that!

ggiammat commented 12 years ago

I'm missing this feature too!

vaab commented 12 years ago

@wscott: I'm missing this feature too...

I got to the same point: using '?useMonospaceFont=true' works, but I would be glad to set this to ALWAYS use monospace.

raphaelbastide commented 12 years ago

I agree, The button should be a default checked "use monospace"

waldyrious commented 12 years ago

+1. An url parameter is useful but definitely not appropriate as an interface to toggle an option.

Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

+1 , it is a perfect patch, I have tested it. Pita: please pull this in.

Pita commented 12 years ago

@johnyma22 In my opinion we should merge this

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

It needs to have a setting in settings.json

-----Original Message----- From: Peter 'Pita' Martischka [] Sent: 18 November 2011 22:39 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Button for useMonospaceFont (#128)

@johnyma22 In my opinion we should merge this

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Pita commented 12 years ago

@johnyma22 I don't agree with that. Whats your problem with the monospace button?

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

My users don't want it :|

I could comment in out in CSS but the use case of monocase is pretty rare.

How many people that dont use linux do you think use monospace on a daily basis?

From: Peter 'Pita' Martischka [] Sent: 19 November 2011 00:52 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Button for useMonospaceFont (#128)

@johnyma22 I don't agree with that. Whats your problem with the monospace button?

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Pita commented 12 years ago

every programmer needs it... It's not a linux thing

On 18 November 2011 16:58, John McLear wrote:

My users don't want it :|

I could comment in out in CSS but the use case of monocase is pretty rare.

How many people that dont use linux do you think use monospace on a daily basis?

From: Peter 'Pita' Martischka [] Sent: 19 November 2011 00:52 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Button for useMonospaceFont (#128)

@johnyma22 I don't agree with that. Whats your problem with the monospace button?

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Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

For example, when you post parts of program or when you add a table.

It would be a "nice to have" to allow users to set monospace per-character like bold, italics, underline, strike-trough, and not only per-pad.

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

And < 1% of Etherpad users are programmers, I'm representing the 99% here, by default if a feature is only required by 1% of our user base then it shouldn't be enabled by default if it uses pixel space on the main screen.

-----Original Message----- From: Peter 'Pita' Martischka [] Sent: 19 November 2011 01:36 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Button for useMonospaceFont (#128)

every programmer needs it... It's not a linux thing

On 18 November 2011 16:58, John McLear wrote:

My users don't want it :|

I could comment in out in CSS but the use case of monocase is pretty rare.

How many people that dont use linux do you think use monospace on a daily basis?

From: Peter 'Pita' Martischka [] Sent: 19 November 2011 00:52 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Button for useMonospaceFont (#128)

@johnyma22 I don't agree with that. Whats your problem with the monospace button?

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JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Also you can pass a parameter in the URL if you want userspace, if you say that it's useful for programmers I would like to think that programmers know how to pass a parameter via the URL ;)

-----Original Message----- From: Peter 'Pita' Martischka [] Sent: 19 November 2011 01:36 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Button for useMonospaceFont (#128)

every programmer needs it... It's not a linux thing

On 18 November 2011 16:58, John McLear wrote:

My users don't want it :|

I could comment in out in CSS but the use case of monocase is pretty rare.

How many people that dont use linux do you think use monospace on a daily basis?

From: Peter 'Pita' Martischka [] Sent: 19 November 2011 00:52 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Button for useMonospaceFont (#128)

@johnyma22 I don't agree with that. Whats your problem with the monospace button?

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rspeer commented 12 years ago

Monospace is useful, especially for the kind of people who'll be running an experimental new version of EtherPad. Why not pull in the change, and then johnyma22 or whoever wants to can make the config option to hide it on certain sites?

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Displaying a monospace button should be "opt in" not "opt out", I know this from gathering stats across a large number of live Etherpad sites.

This isn't just based on opinion.

If anyone else has stats that argue otherwise feel free to contribute to the discussion.

-----Original Message----- From: Rob Speer [] Sent: 20 November 2011 04:44 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Button for useMonospaceFont (#128)

Monospace is useful, especially for the kind of people who'll be running an experimental new version of EtherPad. Why not pull in the change, and then johnyma22 or whoever wants to can make the config option to hide it on certain sites?

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crash-dive commented 12 years ago

Although I don't have any stats I am inclined to agree with johnyma22 on this. Although I can see why some people might want it, I do not think this is something the average user would need and therefore it should be off by default.

vaab commented 12 years ago

What I missed was a way to get monospace without having to change code nor change URLs. I guess that a simple configure option server side would make me happy. And this would be an "Opt in" as suggested by @johnyma2. I don't see the point of having a button in the interface as it clutters it (and I would have it alway ON while others would have it always OFF).

Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

Hello, the monospaced etherpad-lite pages are not rendered in monospace font when exported as PDF. Can anyone fix this, too?

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

@wikinaut please file a separate bug report for that

booo commented 12 years ago

This isn't part of the master branch? Could someone explain me why? I don't understand the decision making process...

For usability reason there should be a mono space button! Default for new pads should be mono spacing off.

Wikinaut commented 12 years ago


my - which follows the master's core code changes - has "monospace" integrated.

dohse commented 12 years ago

As we are running a etherpad instance for the use of mostly user with a computer science background. it would be really helpful for us to have at least the option to offer monospace font. it would a real hassle to maintain a patch for that.

i understand that you want to keep the ui clean and do not want to scare away users with to many knobs, but please offer the option for a monospace font button.

jhollinger commented 12 years ago

Maybe a monospace button would make a good plugin, if those ever get off the ground.

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

@booo Because the monospace button is used on < 5% of pads. Ideally it will be usable as a plugin like @jhollinger said

booo commented 12 years ago

Can you proof the < 5%?

Several users/developers requested the feature or to be more precise a button to enable/disable the feature via the gui. Adding the button to the gui is a minimal change which doesn't heard anyone. I can't see the reason why we should not implement/add this button.

I think text layout and style is a core feature of the etherpad and shouldn't be part of any plugin.

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago


Can you proof the < 5%?

Several users/developers requested the feature or to be more precise a button to enable/disable the feature via the gui. Adding the button to the gui is a minimal change which doesn't heard anyone. I can't see the reason why we should not implement/add this button.

I think text layout and style is a core feature of the etherpad and shouldn't be part of any plugin.

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Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

We should perhaps make an opinion poll among the Etherpad lite developers, not the users (figures, no one can really "prove").

The addition of the monospace button is so easy, that I would rather suggest(!) to add the feature (like I did on my fork), and to have an settings.json for monospace = enabled than to have lengthy discussions.

What online tool is suited for opinion polls ?

Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

Here's the edit button bar with "monospace" and "ordered list" buttons

jhollinger commented 12 years ago

While I am only partially against adding a monospace button to master, I do wonder how casually we should be adding config options to settings.json. An option to enable/disable an edit bar button (as I believe @Wikinaut is suggesting) strikes me as heading down a chaotic path. Is that just me? Don't mean to get off-topic, but it seems related.

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Ask developers not users.... bad idea IMHO

Wikinaut wrote:

We should perhaps make an opinion poll among the Etherpad lite developers, not the users (figures, no one can really "prove").

The addition of the monospace button is so easy, that I would rather suggest(!) to add the feature (like I did on my fork), and to have an settings.json for monospace = enabled than to have lengthy discussions.

What online tool is suited for opinion polls ?

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Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

I suggest a behaviour change:

not changing a whole pad to "monospace" font what the current patch does, but on span or line basis:

  1. mark a passage
  2. click "monospace" button
  3. only changing the marked passage to a fixed "monospace" font
JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

FYI This is in the latest version. git pull people.. git pull!