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Follow Link in Pad #143

Closed Dr-Sommer closed 12 years ago

Dr-Sommer commented 12 years ago

Hi, is it better to post "Feature requests" here, or in the Wiki?

An option (like doubleklick on a link) to follow a given link would be nice..

is it save to make a Update with "git pull origin master"??

You know my debacle from last time... ;)))

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Here is best

Pita commented 12 years ago

@Maja88 Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. What you want to change?

Dr-Sommer commented 12 years ago

Hi, Pita... ;)

when i write a link such as " " in a pad, and if i want to follow this link, i have to Copy&Paste it from the Pad into the browser... is there a way just to Doubleklick the link in the pad to directly open the link??

ThX ;)

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Not yet, this functionality needs writing. Feel free to take a look at some examples of it and have a go writing it

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

I actually wrote this for primarywall a few days ago, it might be possible to re-use the code I used.. Have assigned myself

Pita commented 12 years ago

Afaik is this working and always worked. Look here at link

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Works with but not

This worked well for me:

Pita commented 12 years ago

@johnyma22 do you really think this is a problem for users? I mean we can create a regular expression that gets this links too.... but imho again work > usefull

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Yep, I do :) It's another 5 minute job that will make the users happier

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Fixed in:

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago has a bug where the browser takes the current URL and passes that with the URL.

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Okay I fixed it with:

make sure to include the older commit.

Please test this, it's live on htp://

Test it by typing in

crash-dive commented 12 years ago

It works fine for me in chrome and firefox, however I cannot get IE to even load a pad at the moment.

One suggestion I would make is to override the default browser a:visited pseudo-class as it is not that common on websites to use it any more, this one does not for example.

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Hit F5 in IE.

It was broken because I left my debug comments in.

Should be fine now

-----Original Message----- From: Jonathon Smith [] Sent: 20 November 2011 15:03 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Follow Link in Pad (#143)

It works fine for me in chrome and firefox, however I cannot get IE to even load a pad at the moment.

One suggestion I would make is to override the default browser a:visited pseudo-class as it is not that common on websites to use it any more, this one does not for example.

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JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Btw, don’t press enter. That is a bug made by @pitapoison that is being rejected.

-----Original Message----- From: Jonathon Smith [] Sent: 20 November 2011 15:03 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Follow Link in Pad (#143)

It works fine for me in chrome and firefox, however I cannot get IE to even load a pad at the moment.

One suggestion I would make is to override the default browser a:visited pseudo-class as it is not that common on websites to use it any more, this one does not for example.

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JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Can someone please test this?

crash-dive commented 12 years ago

I did more testing and there are a few issues that comes up. If you type anything starting with www then that entire phrase becomes an anchor tag, even if there is a space after the www. So for example in the sentence "Put www at the start of the address" "www at" would become an anchor. The regex need updating to require a dot after the www, which I think would fix the issue, but my regex knowledge is not great.

Also you are attaching a title atribute which gives the tool tip "test" to the anchor, I assume you want that to say something else?

Finally after something has been linked it makes it hard to edit that link as clicking on it causes you to navigate to the link, the alternative to that is make ctrl-click navigate and use a tool tip to inform the user. But that depends on what everyone else thinks.

When I started writing this IE9 still does not work correctly, however it seems to work now. I could test the link feature and it works the same as it does in FF and Chrome.

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

That should just be www. Afaik in the regex, can you test that?

If you want I can update the code and push. Thanks for testing

It shouldn't say Test..

Give me 20 minutes and I will commit a fix, just doing something

-----Original Message----- From: Jonathon Smith [] Sent: 22 November 2011 20:30 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Follow Link in Pad (#143)

I did more testing and there are a few issues that comes up. If you type anything starting with www then that entire phrase becomes an anchor tag, even if there is a space after the www. So for example in the sentence "Put www at the start of the address" "www at" would become an anchor. The regex need updating to require a dot after the www, which I think would fix the issue, but my regex knowledge is not great.

Also you are attaching a title atribute which gives the tool tip "test" to the anchor, I assume you want that to say something else?

Finally after something has been linked it makes it hard to edit that link as clicking on it causes you to navigate to the link, the alternative to that is make ctrl-click navigate and use a tool tip to inform the user. But that depends on what everyone else thinks.

When I started writing this IE9 still does not work correctly, however it seems to work now. I could test the link feature and it works the same as it does in FF and Chrome.

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JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Yep www. fixes it the www issue.

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

"Also you are attaching a title atribute which gives the tool tip "test" to the anchor, I assume you want that to say something else?

Finally after something has been linked it makes it hard to edit that link as clicking on it causes you to navigate to the link, the alternative to that is make ctrl-click navigate and use a tool tip to inform the user. But that depends on what everyone else thinks.

When I started writing this IE9 still does not work correctly, however it seems to work now. I could test the link feature and it works the same as it does in FF and Chrome."

The "test" as title issue hasn't been committed, removed code from my dev site.

@Pita, afaik should be good to merge

Pita commented 12 years ago

@johnyma22 Is this feature on

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago


-----Original Message----- From: Peter 'Pita' Martischka [] Sent: 23 November 2011 19:17 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Follow Link in Pad (#143)

@johnyma22 Is this feature on

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Pita commented 12 years ago

ok, works fine. Good job. I close this

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago


Wikinaut commented 12 years ago


please see .

"&" in URLs must be encoded as


The non-URLencoding made AbiWord crashing on Pad with URLs with "&" in the URLs, see and .

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

A new issue needs to be made for this

Pita commented 12 years ago

Yoda, you speak like

Dr-Sommer commented 12 years ago

Hi there again... ;)

Strange... on your testlink above the Link klicking is functioning... But here on my board this is not functioning:

i can't thing of anything that could be wrong...

Not functioning with Firefox, Opera and IE... just yesterday i did an "git pull origin master"... ;)

Could you pleas look at this issue of mine? ThX.. ;)

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Must be because you have the pad embedded, try open the pad up outside of your forum and see if it works or not

-----Original Message----- From: Maja88 [] Sent: 13 January 2012 14:11 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Follow Link in Pad (#143)

Hi there again... ;)

Strange... on your testlink above the Link klicking is functioning... But here on my board this is not functioning:

i can't thing of anything that could be wrong...

Not functioning with Firefox, Opera and IE... just yesterday i did an "git pull origin master"... ;)

Could you pleas look at this issue of mine? ThX.. ;)

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Dr-Sommer commented 12 years ago

Arghh.... yes... its working outside the iframe... ;( is there any way to correct this? The Users will certainly not use it out of frame... ;(

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Try put it in a normal frame container outside of your CMS and see if the problem exists. IE create