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Ordered list support #257

Closed yadutaf closed 12 years ago

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

Hi !

I implemented ordered list support and added the related icon in the toolbar. It automatically adjusts the numbering while adding and ((de)indenting) entries. There still are an issue since deleting an entry is not immediately taken into account. I guess I should add a hook into "doDeleteKey()" but I'm not yet sure of how do to it properly.

Btw, you are welcome to test it here:

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

I will try and test this asap

-----Original Message----- From: jtlebi [] Sent: 01 December 2011 17:51 To: John McLear Subject: [etherpad-lite] Ordered list support (#257)

Hi !

I implemented ordered list support and added the related icon in the toolbar. It automatically adjusts the numbering while adding and ((de)indenting) entries. There still are an issue since deleting an entry is not immediately taken into account. I guess I should add a hook into "doDeleteKey()" but I'm not yet sure of how do to it properly.

You can merge this Pull Request by running:

git pull ordered-list

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-- Commit Summary --

-- File Changes --

M static/css/iframe_editor.css (19) M static/img/etherpad_lite_icons.png (0) M static/js/ace2_inner.js (85) M static/js/domline.js (4) M static/js/linestylefilter.js (4) M static/js/pad_editbar.js (1) M static/pad.html (5)

-- Patch Links --

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crash-dive commented 12 years ago

I talked with jtlebi on the pad and we looked at the issue with the first numbers of lists longer than 9 being cut off. I suggested using list-style-position:inside which does fix the issue, however it also means that the text after the list gets indented a little so they do not line up so the other solution they suggested was increase the left padding. I am not sure which one is better.

Also the list type created in the domline.js appendSpan needs changing from ul to ol for ordered list because the start attribute is not used by Chrome or IE for ul lists. The quick and easy solution jtlebi suggested would be in that function you just add a if(listType === "number") but the code for lists could be refactored a bit to make it better. I have been looking through it to see how much work that would be.

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

EDIT: forget it, it does not work, I did it with a "number" type detection. Not clean at all but it works.

As a quick and dirty (tm) fix, I had a silly idea : I switched everything from "ul" to "ol". This must not be a long term fix. Actually, I'd like to refactor the list handling logic as it has evolved quite a bit recently.

Could you test this on your browsers please ? I updated the code on my server but I didn't commit yet.

Pita commented 12 years ago

I can see no changes on htmlexport and timeslider. Did you test if the ordered list are working there?

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

Not yet. I actually focused on the UI interraction

Pita commented 12 years ago

any news on that?

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

Not on my side. I have a big project currently running so no time for open source for the next days. By the way, the html export code looks very different from the ace2 rendering code. and I have not been able to do a quick fix.

Would it be possible to merge this code for the moment so that anybody could help fixing "html export" ? Otherwise, i'll try to get a deeper look at it next week end if I do not have to much work.

Pita commented 12 years ago

I'm not a fan of merging unfinished features. This isn't on the list for 1.1 so it would be an extra. I'm happy to merge it when its ready

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

If I could emit a suggestion, it would be to deal with duplicated code. Appart from the comments, files blablabla.js and blablabla_client.js are the same. To fix the timeslider, I just had to copy paste the code from one to the other :/

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

By the way, this feature is still un-finished. My TODO:

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

I have a strange behaviour that I do not know how to fix :

adding any char to a numbered list removes the list attribute. It does not happend for unordered lists. And this is very weird since the huge majority of the code is shared. I already double checked the non-shared parts but I have no clue. Any idea ?

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

All the list user interraction should be OK now. Can anyone test and confirm please ? I really tried to make things as intuitive as possible.

Pita commented 12 years ago

looks good. But the htmlexport code is still untouched. If you manage to update this, this feature will make it to 1.1

Pita commented 12 years ago

The indent of ordered and unorderd elements is very high. I don't like that

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

The HtmlExport is the next item on my todo :)

When developing the list numbering, I noticed that the "1" of "10" was not visible. The margin I applied is just a quick and dirty hack. Which values would you suggest for this increment ? It's just a matter of 2 minute to update it !

Le 09/12/2011 17:39, Peter 'Pita' Martischka a écrit :

The indent of ordered and unorderd elements is very high. I don't like that

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Jean-Tiare LE BIGOT

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Was intuitive for me, tested a bunch of scenarios, worked well.

Good work!

-----Original Message----- From: jtlebi [] Sent: 09 December 2011 16:35 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Ordered list support (#257)

All the list user interraction should be OK now. Can anyone test and confirm please ? I really tried to make things as intuitive as possible.

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yadutaf commented 12 years ago

I'm done with the HTML exporter: Please note that there is no CSS embeded !

Do you have a suggestion for the indentation margin that would be the nicest ?

Pita commented 12 years ago

I don't know how its correct, but its really broken cause you can't create list that starts with the line. Its always about a 1cm away from the line beginning. Take the half of the indent and it should be ok too

Pita commented 12 years ago

And feel free to add some css to the html export, there is already some css in there

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

in the first commit, I suggest to indent the whole text pad to keep the relative indentation between text and lists as consistent as possible.

There is currently a limitation in the HTMLexport code: it can not handle mixed types on the same level of indentation. see my test case in Sadly, It would require a lot of work to fix. Do you need it before merge ?

Pita commented 12 years ago

Timeslider works, Htmlexport works too - great work

Only some small things I would like to change: 1) Why is the whole text suddenly so far away from the left border? Please change that back to the old state 2) The icon for the orderd list is ugly, maybe @0ip can help you here 3) Someone needs to test that on IE 7 and IE 8 @wikinaut

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Fantastic work :) I'm testing in IE now

-----Original Message----- From: Peter 'Pita' Martischka [] Sent: 11 December 2011 18:01 To: John McLear Subject: Re: [etherpad-lite] Ordered list support (#257)

Timeslider works, Htmlexport works too - great work

Only some small things I would like to change: 1) Why is the whole text suddenly so far away from the left border? Please change that back to the old state 2) The icon for the orderd list is ugly, maybe @0ip can help you here 3) Someone needs to test that on IE 7 and IE 8 @wikinaut

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crash-dive commented 12 years ago

@Pita it is because by default numbers in lists sit outside the content flow and when you reached double digits the numbers on the list were overlapping with the line numbers bar.

The alternative solution to that is add list-style-position:inside, but that when you hit double digits the lists look like this:

1. Test
2. Test
3. Test
4. Test
5. Test
6. Test
7. Test
8. Test
9. Test
10. Test

See how when you move from 9 to 10 the text does not line up? The choice is indenting the pad more like the current version or having the text on numbered lists not line up when the number of digits changes.

Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

where can I test this ?

Pita commented 12 years ago

@Wikinaut @johnyma22 see here

@ja-jo I found a weird bug. When you create a ordered list and press Enter it deletes the ordered list sign. And because of this space thing. I see where you coming from, but I think half of the space should be enough too

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

IE7 and IE8 work pretty well for me in IETester

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

I would suggest putting this functionality up on one of our dev sites such as TypeWithMe for a week and seeing how people get on and if any bugs are reported prior to merging into master?

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

One thing I would expect to happen is that if: 1) I type in 1.\n2.\n3.\n into a pad 2) I select the 3 new lines 3) I click ordered list support I expect that the numbers are already assumed to be part of the numbered/ordered list and automatically treated as such. This is the behavior in Microsoft Word.

*These steps are not required for Microsoft Word to assume that this is part of an ordered list.

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

@Pita I think the bug you are reporting is actually an intentional feature. In Gdoc, when you press enter in a list item, there i 2 scenarios :

  1. the item contains text => create a new item on the same level
  2. the item is empty => move the item to the immediately upper level or remove the list if already on the higher level. This allows very intuitive creation of list and avoid using shift+tab.
yadutaf commented 12 years ago

@johnyma22 Your idea for the numbers sounds very interesting but is that necessary to implement it right in a first version ? Btw, i'm on the IRC to discuss this :)

It sounds wise to me to first launch it on a "beta server" and see how this is used before merging. Ther may be forgotten use cases !

Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

I confirm that ordered lists do work in Firefox and IE8.

One question: when marking lines of an ordered (or an unordered) list, and deselecting "ordered list" (or unordered list), I expected that the first indenting is removed, but it is not removed.

Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

Another remark: the colour picking in IE8 on is still broken

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

Le 11/12/2011 22:12, Wikinaut a écrit :

I confirm that ordered lists do work in Firefox and IE8.

One question: when marking lines of an ordered (or an unordered) list, and deselecting "ordered list" (or unordered list), I expected that the first indenting is removed, but it is not removed. When you do that, you remove the list marker but the relative indentation of the text is preserved. This is the behaviour of Gdoc but it is true that LibreOffice does'nt behave the same way since it moves all the text back to the left margin.

In my opinion, keeping the relative indentation is more intuitive to the user as it keeps the logical organisation of the ideas in the list. It also allows him to quickly restore the list without re-indenting all the levels manually.

Anyway, I'm open to suggestions on this point. :)

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Jean-Tiare LE BIGOT

Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

I do not insist on that but would suggest that in the case a user marked lines of an existing "list", the "list" bullet or number is removed and the first level of indentation is removed.

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

@Wikinaut I must stress this is really not the thread to comment on the colour picking in IE8. Me and 0ip have both submitted patches for the IE8 bug, feel free to find them and place a pull request with it fixed.

Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

@jtlebi I tested Firefox, Chrome and IE8, and found your enhancement working.

Updated on 20.12.2011:

However, there's is this core code problem on IE8:

The problem is apparent in (core plus ordered list) and also in (core)

As Jtlebi has mentioned below, this appears tp be a core code problem, and not a problem of the ordered-list enhancement, which is subject of this pull request discussion.

For this bug I filed "Unordered list function broken in IE8: when clicking to add a list in the middle of the pad, the cursor jumps to the top left position of the pad".

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

Hi all,

Sorry for the delay, I had very few spare time these day. starting a new job :)

Anyway, I was able to reproduce this bug in IE8 but it is not specific to my modifications as it also occurs on for bullet lists.

To limit interferences between patches, I suggest to fill another specific bug report.

Sadly I'm not a Microsoft product compatibility expert. Could anyone help ?

By the way, Thanks @Wikinaut for your heavy/extensive testing !

Wikinaut commented 12 years ago

For this core code bug I filed "Unordered list function broken in IE8: when clicking to add a list in the middle of the pad, the cursor jumps to the top left position of the pad".

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

@johnyma22 @Pita What is the status of this pull request ? As the time goes it will become hard to merge it as it adds features to core functions :/

Btw, if the merge requires some editions, I have a few hours free this week to help.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Status is: I want to see the jumping cursor in IE8 issue resolved then we are doing final tests and then merge. Aiming for mid January. that okay with you?

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

Ooooops ! It's very much like I've produced a Huuuuuuge diff just to fix a conflict :/

Anyway, I merged upstream into my work in order to fix conflicts. The only conflict was in pad.html and caused by commit Hopefully, it was pretty easy to fix.

yadutaf commented 12 years ago

Btw, I did a very quick test with this code and it seams to work pretty well :)

JohnMcLear commented 12 years ago

Manually merged, all credit to @jtlebi for making this a possibility :) Sorry about the delay in merging. It's been a busy few weeks!