ether / etherpad-lite

Etherpad: A modern really-real-time collaborative document editor.
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Can't open new Pads since Version 1.9.0 #5979

Open gk4468 opened 7 months ago

gk4468 commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug I'm running Etherpad 1.9.3 in Openshift 4.12 and I can't open new Pads. When starting the application I get the following error.

[2023-10-16 07:31:03.460] [ERROR] console - (node:1) [DEP0066] DeprecationWarning: OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers is deprecated [2023-10-16 07:35:40.065] [ERROR] console - Error: Timeout: Did not receive an init message from worker after 10000ms. Make sure the worker calls expose(). at Timeout._onTimeout (/opt/etherpad-lite/src/node_modules/threads/dist/master/spawn.js:35:53) at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:569:17) at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:512:7) [2023-10-16 07:35:40.066] [DEBUG] http - 500, GET /static/js/vendors/html10n.js?v=db2fee4b

Expected behavior I want new pads to be able to be opened again.

SamTV12345 commented 7 months ago

Could you please give a bit more context about your setup? Which version of Etherpad are you runing? Which plugins do you use? How can I reproduce the issue?

gk4468 commented 7 months ago

Hello SamTV12345,

I'm using Etherpad Version 1.9.3 without Plugins. The application is deployed in Openshift 4.12 with s2i from DockerHub

When I'm using the Etherpad Version 1.8.18, Etherpad is running without problems with the same setup.

SamTV12345 commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the prompt response @gk4468. Is there an easy way to replicate your setup? I always use K8s for HA.

gk4468 commented 7 months ago

I don't know how the setup can be easily recreated. The Openshift environment is provided to me.

SamTV12345 commented 7 months ago

I don't know how the setup can be easily recreated. The Openshift environment is provided to me.

Ok. I'll try to get started with OpenShift and replicate your setup.

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

Did you experience the issues again? I wasn't very successful with replicating the OpenShift setup

gk4468 commented 3 months ago

With version 1.9.7, etherpad can now be deployed in the Openshift cluster. However, when I connect a MySQL DB for persistence I get the same error message again.

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

With version 1.9.7, etherpad can now be deployed in the Openshift cluster. However, when I connect a MySQL DB for persistence I get the same error message again.

Can you paste which error you mean?

gk4468 commented 3 months ago

Here is the error I receive

[2024-02-21T07:38:12.311] [ERROR] settings - Error: Timeout: Did not receive an init message from worker after 10000ms. Make sure the worker calls expose().
at Timeout._onTimeout (/opt/etherpad-lite/src/node_modules/threads/dist/master/spawn.js:35:53)
at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:573:17)
at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:514:7)
[2024-02-21T07:38:12.312] [DEBUG] http - 500, GET /static/js/vendors/html10n.js?v=67eecfd1
SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

I'll check that out. I'm wondering where this error comes from. Can you set minify:false in your settings.json

gk4468 commented 3 months ago

Setting Minify to false solved the Problem with the Layout

minify:true withminify

minify:false withoutminify

But I have still Problem to create new Pads, when I enter a new pad name, for example "hello1234" it try to open the URL and I still see the homepage. Here the logs when I try to create a new pad.

[2024-02-21T13:19:11.013] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats
[2024-02-21T13:19:27.192] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats
[2024-02-21T13:19:29.448] [DEBUG] SessionStore - GET Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN
[2024-02-21T13:19:29.448] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - sessionstorage:Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN - {"cookie":{"originalMaxAge":864000000,"expires":"2024-03-02T13:06:20.458Z","secure":false,"httpOnly":true,"path":"/","sameSite":"Lax"},"user":{"is_admin":true,"username":"admin"}} - from cache
[2024-02-21T13:19:29.451] [DEBUG] SessionStore - TOUCH Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN
[2024-02-21T13:19:29.453] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /?
[2024-02-21T13:19:41.014] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats

Then when I try to open the pad by the URL it opens the pad and I can edit it. Here the logs

[2024-02-21T13:33:27.192] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats
[2024-02-21T13:33:41.015] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats
[2024-02-21T13:33:56.903] [DEBUG] SessionStore - GET Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN
[2024-02-21T13:33:56.904] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - sessionstorage:Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN - {"cookie":{"originalMaxAge":864000000,"expires":"2024-03-02T13:21:32.491Z","secure":false,"httpOnly":true,"path":"/","sameSite":"Lax"},"user":{"is_admin":true,"username":"admin","padAuthorizations":{"hallo12345":"create"}}} - from cache
[2024-02-21T13:33:56.906] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - pad:hallo12345 - {"atext":{"text":"Dies ist die K Instanz, bitte produktiv nur nutzen.\n\nSupport\n\n","attribs":"|4+3r"},"pool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","a.8uo5re59DFlbsC9m"]},"nextNum":1},"head":0,"chatHead":-1,"publicStatus":false,"savedRevisions":[]} - from cache
[2024-02-21T13:33:56.909] [DEBUG] SessionStore - TOUCH Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN
[2024-02-21T13:33:56.910] [DEBUG] http - 304, GET /p/hallo12345
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.036] [DEBUG] SessionStore - GET Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.037] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - sessionstorage:Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN - {"cookie":{"originalMaxAge":864000000,"expires":"2024-03-02T13:21:32.491Z","secure":false,"httpOnly":true,"path":"/","sameSite":"Lax"},"user":{"is_admin":true,"username":"admin","padAuthorizations":{"hallo12345":"create"}}} - from cache
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.038] [DEBUG] - NIZo41NfZkG2zaR5AAAB connected from IP
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.194] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.279] [DEBUG] - from NIZo41NfZkG2zaR5AAAB: {
component: 'pad',
padId: 'hallo12345',
token: 't.f2T7eV2ye5fDaLWeBKjY',
userInfo: { colorId: null, name: null }
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.280] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - pad:hallo12345 - {"atext":{"text":"Dies ist die K Instanz, bitte produktiv nur nutzen.\n\nSupport\n\n","attribs":"|4+3r"},"pool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","a.8uo5re59DFlbsC9m"]},"nextNum":1},"head":0,"chatHead":-1,"publicStatus":false,"savedRevisions":[]} - from cache
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.280] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - pad2readonly:hallo12345 - "r.94b1d0f339463c5317674a7e820a6186" - from cache
SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

This is weird behaviour. Normally it just doesn't minify the output. Could it be that something is cashed in your browser?

gk4468 commented 2 months ago

No, I cleared my cache and the application still behaves like this

gk4468 commented 2 months ago

Now I get a new Error when I try to create a new Pad

[2024-03-13T08:33:48.089] [DEBUG] - to qjH0RlkihOobrbRrAAAB: {"type":"CLIENT_VARS","data":{"skinName":"colibris","skinVariants":"super-light-toolbar super-light-editor light-background","randomVersionString":"c8f32510","accountPrivs":{"maxRevisions":100},"automaticReconnectionTimeout":0,"initialRevisionList":[],"initialOptions":{},"savedRevisions":[],"collab_client_vars":{"initialAttributedText":{"text":"Dies ist die K Instanz, bitte produktiv nur nutzen.\n\nSupport\n\n","attribs":"|4+3r"},"clientIp":"","padId":"seperatertest","historicalAuthorData":{"a.sVgEaJ3cbyFicXYL":{"name":null,"colorId":44}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{},"nextNum":0},"rev":0,"time":1710318827985},"colorPalette":["#ffc7c7","#fff1c7","#e3ffc7","#c7ffd5","#c7ffff","#c7d5ff","#e3c7ff","#ffc7f1","#ffa8a8","#ffe699","#cfff9e","#99ffb3","#a3ffff","#99b3ff","#cc99ff","#ff99e5","#e7b1b1","#e9dcAf","#cde9af","#bfedcc","#b1e7e7","#c3cdee","#d2b8ea...
[2024-03-13T08:33:48.090] [DEBUG] - to qjH0RlkihOobrbRrAAAB: {"type":"COLLABROOM","data":{"type":"USER_NEWINFO","userInfo":{"colorId":44,"name":null,"userId":"a.sVgEaJ3cbyFicXYL"}}}
[2024-03-13T08:33:48.194] [WARN] client - Error: Attempt to load undefined module. -- {
errorId: 'PeAz9h8jtoO4lJ6NTf0M',
type: 'Unhandled Promise rejection',
msg: 'Error: Attempt to load undefined module.',
url: '',
source: '',
linenumber: 398,
userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0',
stack: 'loadModule@\n' +
'after@\n' +
'fetchModuleSync@\n' +
'_find@\n' +
'_moduleAtPath@\n' +
'moduleAtPathSync@\n' +
'_designatedRequire@\n' +
'designatedRequire@\n' +
'requireRelative@\n' +
'require@\n' +
'(module ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/ace.js)/Ace2Editor/this.init@\n'
[2024-03-13T08:33:48.197] [DEBUG] http - 200, POST /jserror


SamTV12345 commented 2 months ago

Setting Minify to false solved the Problem with the Layout

minify:true withminify

minify:false withoutminify

But I have still Problem to create new Pads, when I enter a new pad name, for example "hello1234" it try to open the URL and I still see the homepage. Here the logs when I try to create a new pad.

[2024-02-21T13:19:11.013] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats
[2024-02-21T13:19:27.192] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats
[2024-02-21T13:19:29.448] [DEBUG] SessionStore - GET Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN
[2024-02-21T13:19:29.448] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - sessionstorage:Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN - {"cookie":{"originalMaxAge":864000000,"expires":"2024-03-02T13:06:20.458Z","secure":false,"httpOnly":true,"path":"/","sameSite":"Lax"},"user":{"is_admin":true,"username":"admin"}} - from cache
[2024-02-21T13:19:29.451] [DEBUG] SessionStore - TOUCH Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN
[2024-02-21T13:19:29.453] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /?
[2024-02-21T13:19:41.014] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats

Then when I try to open the pad by the URL it opens the pad and I can edit it. Here the logs

[2024-02-21T13:33:27.192] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats
[2024-02-21T13:33:41.015] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats
[2024-02-21T13:33:56.903] [DEBUG] SessionStore - GET Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN
[2024-02-21T13:33:56.904] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - sessionstorage:Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN - {"cookie":{"originalMaxAge":864000000,"expires":"2024-03-02T13:21:32.491Z","secure":false,"httpOnly":true,"path":"/","sameSite":"Lax"},"user":{"is_admin":true,"username":"admin","padAuthorizations":{"hallo12345":"create"}}} - from cache
[2024-02-21T13:33:56.906] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - pad:hallo12345 - {"atext":{"text":"Dies ist die K Instanz, bitte produktiv nur nutzen.\n\nSupport\n\n","attribs":"|4+3r"},"pool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","a.8uo5re59DFlbsC9m"]},"nextNum":1},"head":0,"chatHead":-1,"publicStatus":false,"savedRevisions":[]} - from cache
[2024-02-21T13:33:56.909] [DEBUG] SessionStore - TOUCH Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN
[2024-02-21T13:33:56.910] [DEBUG] http - 304, GET /p/hallo12345
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.036] [DEBUG] SessionStore - GET Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.037] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - sessionstorage:Z_Uleg2R5nC4OepOTKJMY2ZWZBevlFDN - {"cookie":{"originalMaxAge":864000000,"expires":"2024-03-02T13:21:32.491Z","secure":false,"httpOnly":true,"path":"/","sameSite":"Lax"},"user":{"is_admin":true,"username":"admin","padAuthorizations":{"hallo12345":"create"}}} - from cache
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.038] [DEBUG] - NIZo41NfZkG2zaR5AAAB connected from IP
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.194] [DEBUG] http - 200, GET /stats
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.279] [DEBUG] - from NIZo41NfZkG2zaR5AAAB: {
component: 'pad',
padId: 'hallo12345',
token: 't.f2T7eV2ye5fDaLWeBKjY',
userInfo: { colorId: null, name: null }
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.280] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - pad:hallo12345 - {"atext":{"text":"Dies ist die K Instanz, bitte produktiv nur nutzen.\n\nSupport\n\n","attribs":"|4+3r"},"pool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","a.8uo5re59DFlbsC9m"]},"nextNum":1},"head":0,"chatHead":-1,"publicStatus":false,"savedRevisions":[]} - from cache
[2024-02-21T13:33:57.280] [DEBUG] ueberDB - GET - pad2readonly:hallo12345 - "r.94b1d0f339463c5317674a7e820a6186" - from cache

This is the code for navigating. It just replaces the url in the browser with the pad url. I can't really think about anything why this should not work. Can you try it locally?

$(() => {
  $('#go2Name').on('submit', () => {
    const padname = $('#padname').val();
    if (padname.length > 0) {
      window.location = `p/${encodeURIComponent(padname.trim())}`;
    } else {
      alert('Please enter a name');
    return false;

  $('#button').on('click', () => {
    window.location = `p/${randomPadName()}`;

  // start the custom js
  if (typeof window.customStart === 'function') window.customStart();