ether / etherpad-lite

Etherpad: A modern really-real-time collaborative document editor.
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How to import pdf and images in etherpad on jitsi meet #6159

Open kamleshboi69 opened 4 months ago

kamleshboi69 commented 4 months ago

hi i am running jitsi meet through docker and i want to import pdf files and images it is given in the etherpad website how to do it but not in a detailed way can you please help me with this

this is my etherpad.yml file

version: '3.5'

services: etherpad: image: etherpad/etherpad:1.9.6 restart: ${RESTART_POLICY:-unless-stopped} environment:

if you need any config files please ask

SamTV12345 commented 4 months ago

There is this plugin by @CitizenOS and this one for PDFs:

kamleshboi69 commented 4 months ago

okay with these plugins can i export pdf and images files please explain

SamTV12345 commented 4 months ago

You can export an etherpad via this button: image

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

can you tell how to add these plugins in etherpad.yml file

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

esppecially PDFs:

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

just tell how to add these plugins

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

You need to map src/installed_plugins and can then install your plugins via /admin in your browser

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

can you please elaborate this

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

You need to add a volume ./my-plugins:/opt/etherpad-lite/src/plugin_packages. After that start Etherpad. Go to http:///admin. Enter there the password of the user that you assigned to in the settings.json and from there you can just point and click and install plugins as you wish.

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

i have no settings.json i have only etherpad.yml version: '3.5'

services: etherpad: image: etherpad/etherpad:1.9.6 restart: ${RESTART_POLICY:-unless-stopped} environment:

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

Try this:

version: '3.0'
    image: etherpad/etherpad:1.9.6
    restart: ${RESTART_POLICY:-unless-stopped}
    - "NODE_ENV=production" # Adding this line to set NODE_ENV to production
    - "EP_IMAGE_UPLOAD__STORAGE__TYPE=base64" # Set the storage type to base64
    - "EP_IMAGE_UPLOAD__FILETYPES=jpeg,jpg,bmp,gif,png" # Specify allowed file types
    - "EP_IMAGE_UPLOAD__MAXFILESIZE=5000000" # Set max file size in bytes
    - "EP_PRINT_PREVIEW_PDF__FILE_NAME=etherpad.pdf" # Specify the PDF file name
     - ./my-plugins:/opt/etherpad-lite/src/plugin_packages
     - ./settings.json:/opt/etherpad-lite/settings.json

      image: debian:stable
      command: >
      sh -c "apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends abiword ispell aspell hunspell aspell-en &&
      apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*"
kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

this is the error i am getting ERROR: for etherpad Cannot start service etherpad: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error mounting "/home/king/docker-jitsi-meet/settings.json" to rootfs at "/opt/etherpad-lite/settings.json": mount /home/king/docker-jitsi-meet/settings.json:/opt/etherpad-lite/settings.json (via /proc/self/fd/6), flags: 0x5000: not a directory: unknown: Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

do i need install these files - ./my-plugins:/opt/etherpad-lite/src/plugin_packages

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

Oh remove the settings.json folder, copy the settings.json content from GitHub and create a local settings.json file with the copied content. Then do docker-compose up -d

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

it is not working this is my etherpad.yml file version: '3.0' services: etherpad: image: etherpad/etherpad:1.9.6 restart: ${RESTART_POLICY:-unless-stopped} environment:

this is settings.json file


kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

i have tried everything it is not still working

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

i have tried everything it is not still working

Could you please elaborate what the error is and please format your code appropriately. I can't really read it. You need to put 3 ` around it.

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

settings.json this is my etherpad file version: '3.5' services: etherpad: image: etherpad/etherpad:1.9.6 restart: ${RESTART_POLICY:-unless-stopped} environment:

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

okay now i know how to adfd plugins but ep_print_preview_pdf cant be installed

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

the ep_print_preview_pdf is not working

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

okay tell me how to install libreoffice for etherpad i am getting this error
[2024-02-21T08:56:04.358] [ERROR] settings - soffice (libreoffice) does not exist at this path, check your settings file. File location: /usr/bin/libreoffice r

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

To install Libreoffice you need to create your own Docker Image and set INSTALL_SOFFICE to true. That will install Libreoffice for you.

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

where to set the set INSTALL_SOFFICE to true. in which file and of what i have to create docker image

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

docker build --build-arg INSTALL_SOFFICE=true . in the root directory of Etherpad

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

yu mean in the etherpad container i have these containers CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 982659e27944 jitsi/jvb:unstable "/init" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours>8080/tcp,>10000/udp, :::10000->10000/udp docker-jitsi-meet_jvb_1 856b272d7ef0 jitsi/jicofo:unstable "/init" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours>8888/tcp docker-jitsi-meet_jicofo_1 dc5c4378b2ae jitsi/prosody:unstable "/init" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours 5222/tcp, 5269/tcp, 5280/tcp, 5347/tcp docker-jitsi-meet_prosody_1 72cd3822bda2 jitsi/web:unstable "/init" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours>80/tcp, :::8000->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::8443->443/tcp docker-jitsi-meet_web_1 eaec7194ed37 etherpad/etherpad:1.9.6 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 22 hours ago Up 3 hours (healthy) 9001/tcp docker-jitsi-meet_etherpad_1

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

yu mean in the etherpad container i have these containers CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 982659e27944 jitsi/jvb:unstable "/init" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours>8080/tcp,>10000/udp, :::10000->10000/udp docker-jitsi-meet_jvb_1 856b272d7ef0 jitsi/jicofo:unstable "/init" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours>8888/tcp docker-jitsi-meet_jicofo_1 dc5c4378b2ae jitsi/prosody:unstable "/init" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours 5222/tcp, 5269/tcp, 5280/tcp, 5347/tcp docker-jitsi-meet_prosody_1 72cd3822bda2 jitsi/web:unstable "/init" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours>80/tcp, :::8000->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::8443->443/tcp docker-jitsi-meet_web_1 eaec7194ed37 etherpad/etherpad:1.9.6 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 22 hours ago Up 3 hours (healthy) 9001/tcp docker-jitsi-meet_etherpad_1

I meant on the host system where you have docker installed. Then you need to replace etherpad/etherpad:1.9.6 with your tag.

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

can you please guide me

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

okay libreoffice is now working but how to add the ep_image_upload plugin in my new custom container

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

You need to do that in the build: docker build --build-arg INSTALL_SOFFICE=true --build-arg ETHERPAD_PLUGINS= ep_image_upload .

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

i tried this but it is giving me this error every single time
Step 10/15 : RUN /opt/etherpad-lite/bin/ && chown -R etherpad:etherpad /opt/etherpad-lite/node_modules && npm install --unsafe-perm $ETHERPAD_PLUGINS ---> Running in 975afd67e130 Installing dependencies... Installing production dependencies npm WARN prepare removing existing node_modules/ before installation npm ERR! code EACCES npm ERR! syscall rmdir npm ERR! path /opt/etherpad-lite/src/node_modules/esm/esm npm ERR! errno -13 npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, rmdir '/opt/etherpad-lite/src/node_modules/esm/esm' npm ERR! [OperationalError: EACCES: permission denied, rmdir '/opt/etherpad-lite/src/node_modules/esm/esm'] { npm ERR! cause: [Error: EACCES: permission denied, rmdir '/opt/etherpad-lite/src/node_modules/esm/esm'] { npm ERR! errno: -13, npm ERR! code: 'EACCES', npm ERR! syscall: 'rmdir', npm ERR! path: '/opt/etherpad-lite/src/node_modules/esm/esm' npm ERR! }, npm ERR! isOperational: true, npm ERR! errno: -13, npm ERR! code: 'EACCES', npm ERR! syscall: 'rmdir', npm ERR! path: '/opt/etherpad-lite/src/node_modules/esm/esm' npm ERR! } npm ERR! npm ERR! The operation was rejected by your operating system. npm ERR! It is likely you do not have the permissions to access this file as the current user npm ERR! npm ERR! If you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the npm ERR! permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running npm ERR! the command again as root/Administrator.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/etherpad/.npm/_logs/2024-02-22T19_29_24_545Z-debug.log

kamleshboi69 commented 3 months ago

this is the error i am getting after the image is built and the plugin is working [2024-02-23T07:40:20.636] [INFO] LibreOffice - [989] Converting /tmp/0631531f36cd98923e863b105.pdf to html:XHTML Draw File in /tmp [2024-02-23T07:40:20.698] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment! [2024-02-23T07:40:20.699] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Warning: failed to read path from javaldx [2024-02-23T07:41:10.598] [INFO] LibreOffice - [989] stdout: convert /tmp/0631531f36cd98923e863b105.pdf as a Draw document -> /tmp/0631531f36cd98923e863b105.html using filter : XHTML Draw File [2024-02-23T07:42:09.546] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: XSL Vendor: 'libxslt' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.003] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.004] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.004] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.005] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.005] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.005] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.049] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.049] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.050] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.051] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.052] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.052] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.087] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.088] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.089] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.090] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.091] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.092] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.121] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.122] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.123] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.124] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.125] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.126] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.156] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.157] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.159] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.160] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.161] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.162] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.194] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.195] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.196] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.197] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.198] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.199] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.236] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.237] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.238] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.239] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.240] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.241] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.285] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.286] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.287] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.288] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.290] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.291] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.329] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.333] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.334] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.335] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.336] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.337] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.372] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.373] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.374] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.375] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.377] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.378] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.405] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.406] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.407] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.408] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.409] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.410] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.440] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.441] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.442] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.443] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.444] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.445] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.477] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.478] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.479] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.480] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.481] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.482] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.508] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.509] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.510] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.511] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.513] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.514] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.539] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.540] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.542] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.543] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.544] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.545] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.576] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.577] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.578] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.579] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.581] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.581] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.609] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.610] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.611] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.612] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.614] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.615] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.639] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.640] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.642] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.642] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.644] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.645] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.675] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.678] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.680] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.680] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.682] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.683] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.716] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.717] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.718] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.719] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.720] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.721] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.753] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.754] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.755] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.756] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.758] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.759] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.790] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.791] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.793] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.793] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.795] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.796] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.837] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.842] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.846] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.846] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.847] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.847] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.885] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.885] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.892] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.892] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.892] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.893] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.927] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.927] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.928] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.928] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.929] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.929] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:11.962] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.963] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.964] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.966] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.967] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.969] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:12.000] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.002] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.003] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.004] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.005] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.006] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:12.044] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.045] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.046] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.047] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.048] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.049] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:12.086] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.087] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.089] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.090] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.092] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.094] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:12.124] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.126] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.127] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.130] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.131] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.132] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:12.162] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.164] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.165] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.167] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.168] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.169] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:12.204] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.206] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.207] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.208] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.209] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.210] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr:
[2024-02-23T07:42:20.638] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] Conversion timed out; killing LibreOffice... [2024-02-23T07:44:56.146] [INFO] access - [ENTER] pad:tate socket:2-pnN8K5YIYvINsIAAAI IP: authorID:a.NblaT6I4RLwlyBFc [2024-02-23T07:45:41.145] [INFO] access - [LEAVE] pad:tate socket:2-pnN8K5YIYvINsIAAAI IP: authorID:a.NblaT6I4RLwlyBFc [2024-02-23T07:54:24.394] [INFO] access - [LEAVE] pad:tate socket:9wGWzku8WeiYgf6aAAAG IP: authorID:a.DVn4DGfvnq53WzQi

SamTV12345 commented 3 months ago

this is the error i am getting after the image is built and the plugin is working [2024-02-23T07:40:20.636] [INFO] LibreOffice - [989] Converting /tmp/0631531f36cd98923e863b105.pdf to html:XHTML Draw File in /tmp [2024-02-23T07:40:20.698] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment! [2024-02-23T07:40:20.699] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Warning: failed to read path from javaldx [2024-02-23T07:41:10.598] [INFO] LibreOffice - [989] stdout: convert /tmp/0631531f36cd98923e863b105.pdf as a Draw document -> /tmp/0631531f36cd98923e863b105.html using filter : XHTML Draw File [2024-02-23T07:42:09.546] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: XSL Vendor: 'libxslt' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.003] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.004] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.004] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.005] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.005] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.005] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.049] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.049] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.050] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.051] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.052] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.052] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.087] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.088] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.089] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.090] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.091] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.092] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.121] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.122] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.123] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.124] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.125] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.126] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.156] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.157] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.159] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.160] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.161] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.162] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.194] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.195] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.196] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.197] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.198] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.199] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.236] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.237] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.238] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.239] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.240] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.241] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.285] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.286] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.287] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.288] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.290] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.291] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.329] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.333] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.334] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.335] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.336] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.337] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.372] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.373] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.374] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.375] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.377] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.378] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.405] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.406] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.407] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.408] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.409] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.410] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.440] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.441] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.442] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.443] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.444] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.445] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.477] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.478] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.479] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.480] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.481] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.482] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.508] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.509] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.510] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.511] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.513] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.514] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.539] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.540] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.542] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.543] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.544] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.545] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.576] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.577] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.578] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.579] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.581] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.581] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.609] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.610] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.611] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.612] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.614] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.615] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.639] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.640] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.642] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.642] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.644] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.645] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.675] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.678] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.680] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.680] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.682] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.683] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.716] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.717] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.718] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.719] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.720] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.721] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.753] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.754] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.755] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.756] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.758] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.759] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.790] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.791] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.793] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.793] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.795] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.796] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.837] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.842] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.846] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.846] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.847] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.847] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.885] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.885] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.892] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.892] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.892] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.893] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.927] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.927] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.928] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.928] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.929] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.929] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.962] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.963] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:11.964] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:11.966] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:11.967] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:11.969] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.000] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.002] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.003] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.004] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.005] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.006] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.044] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.045] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.046] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.047] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.048] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.049] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.086] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.087] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.089] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.090] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.092] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.094] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.124] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.126] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.127] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.130] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.131] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.132] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.162] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.164] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.165] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.167] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.168] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.169] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.204] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.206] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: Accessibility Warning: [2024-02-23T07:42:12.207] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: No alternate text ('svg:title' element) set for [2024-02-23T07:42:12.208] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: image ' [2024-02-23T07:42:12.209] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: '! [2024-02-23T07:42:12.210] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] stderr: [2024-02-23T07:42:20.638] [ERROR] LibreOffice - [989] Conversion timed out; killing LibreOffice... [2024-02-23T07:44:56.146] [INFO] access - [ENTER] pad:tate socket:2-pnN8K5YIYvINsIAAAI IP: authorID:a.NblaT6I4RLwlyBFc [2024-02-23T07:45:41.145] [INFO] access - [LEAVE] pad:tate socket:2-pnN8K5YIYvINsIAAAI IP: authorID:a.NblaT6I4RLwlyBFc [2024-02-23T07:54:24.394] [INFO] access - [LEAVE] pad:tate socket:9wGWzku8WeiYgf6aAAAG IP: authorID:a.DVn4DGfvnq53WzQi

Interesting. So you used the Dockerfile on the develop branch and you still get that error?