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admin webinterface not usable if plugins cannot be fetched #6332

Closed Vringe closed 1 month ago

Vringe commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug The admin web interface is completely unusable, if fetching the plugins.json file fails:

TypeError: is not a function
    at Nh (https://pad.local/admin/assets/index-WmXtrGLT.js:215:5288)
    at Ic (https://pad.local/admin/assets/index-WmXtrGLT.js:38:19519)
    at Ru (https://pad.local/admin/assets/index-WmXtrGLT.js:40:3139)
    at fm (https://pad.local/admin/assets/index-WmXtrGLT.js:40:44737)
    at lm (https://pad.local/admin/assets/index-WmXtrGLT.js:40:39727)
    at g1 (https://pad.local/admin/assets/index-WmXtrGLT.js:40:39655)
    at ua (https://pad.local/admin/assets/index-WmXtrGLT.js:40:39508)
    at Mu (https://pad.local/admin/assets/index-WmXtrGLT.js:40:35875)
    at om (https://pad.local/admin/assets/index-WmXtrGLT.js:40:34826)
    at b (https://pad.local/admin/assets/index-WmXtrGLT.js:25:1584)

In my case, I'm using a proxy and it seems like axios does not have a proper proxy implementation.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Setup proxy by setting HTTP_PROXY / HTTPS_PROXY env variables
  2. Go to the admin webinterface

Expected behavior The admin web interface should display an error instead, that the list of plugins could not be fetched. The rest should still be functional.

It would be even better if you could add an instance of the https-proxy-agent to axios.

Server (please complete the following information):

Desktop (please complete the following information):

SamTV12345 commented 1 month ago

Should be fixed and you should be able to control the proxy with http_proxy and https_proxy

Vringe commented 4 weeks ago

Many thanks for the quick fix. Tested with the develop image. Now the page loads 👌🏻

Still with a "Error retrieving plugins" but that's something axios must fix. I don't install any plugins via the web interface anyway.

SamTV12345 commented 4 weeks ago

Yes I agree. You can try the http_proxy/https_proxy option for that :)