ether / etherpad-lite

Etherpad: A modern really-real-time collaborative document editor.
Apache License 2.0
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stats doesn't report totalUsers on version 2.0.2 #6341

Closed disturbio closed 4 weeks ago

disturbio commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the bug

/stats endpoint doesn't seem to be report totalUsers .

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. curl | jq

Expected behavior

This data should be present according to doc/


Server (please complete the following information):

Desktop (please complete the following information): not relevant

Smartphone (please complete the following information): not relevant

Additional context

To see if this could be a local problem, used the etherpad scanner to locate a public instance which had /stats/ exposed. found one, no totalUsers there either. debug level for logging doesn't provide much information.

2024-04-18T18:47:44.495922+00:00 eplite-test etherpad-lite[2013049]: #033[36m[2024-04-18T18:47:44.495] [DEBUG] http - #033[39m200, GET /stats

also, thanks for all your work :)

SamTV12345 commented 4 weeks ago

It's fixed. Somehow during migration the totalUsers were read from an undefined variable thus it wasn't displayed anymore. You're welcome and thanks for taking the time to create an issue :)