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Readded support for apikey #6382

Closed SamTV12345 closed 2 weeks ago

SamTV12345 commented 2 weeks ago

This pull request adds support for api keys. You can now again choose to use the old legacy apikey. For that to work you can edit the settings.json file and change the authenticationMethod field to apikey.

This closes #6374

Loki-Afro commented 2 weeks ago

thank you @SamTV12345 i guess i have to supply now an additional env var AUTHENTICATION_METHOD: "apikey" with the next release :)

webzwo0i commented 6 days ago

Thank you! Do you think we need test coverage for the old APIKEY.txt way? I'd prefer a deprecation warning and if possible a migration guide, so that we can drop the old method in the future and not hit the same problems again

SamTV12345 commented 6 days ago

Thank you! Do you think we need test coverage for the old APIKEY.txt way? I'd prefer a deprecation warning and if possible a migration guide, so that we can drop the old method in the future and not hit the same problems again

Yes. That would be the best to move away from the APIKey method. We could support it for some time as it is now opt-in.