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customLocaleStrings appears to be ignored #6390

Open jakecoble opened 1 month ago

jakecoble commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Setting new locales in customLocaleStrings appears to be ignored.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. clone repo
  2. checkout v2.0.3
  3. edit settings.json.docker and add custom locale strings and an admin password
    "customLocaleStrings": {
    "en": {
      "admin_plugins": "test case"
  4. docker build -t test/etherpad .
  5. docker run --detach --publish 9001:9001 test/etherpad
  6. open localhost:9001/admin

Expected behavior I expected "Plugin manager" to be "test case", but it remains "Plugin manager". The en.json file that is sent to the client doesn't contain the custom strings.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

jakecoble commented 1 month ago

docker run --rm test/etherpad grep -A 4 'customLocaleStrings' settings.json gives me:

  "customLocaleStrings": {
    "en": {
      "admin_plugins": "test case"

So it looks like the correct setting is making it into the image.

SamTV12345 commented 4 weeks ago

docker run --rm test/etherpad grep -A 4 'customLocaleStrings' settings.json gives me:

  "customLocaleStrings": {
    "en": {
      "admin_plugins": "test case"

So it looks like the correct setting is making it into the image.

I guess the problem is that the admin pad uses now React. As client and server are now separate from each other I'll think of a solution. Maybe host the json files in Etherpad and then hand over the changed customLocaleStrings.