Open risacher opened 2 weeks ago
Are you using Apache reverse proxy ?
If you are using Nginx with Subdomains the configuration is already updated. With Apache it's currently a bit mixed. The very simple installation guide works at least for me. But haven't had a chance to play with the more complicated once.
For reasons that are obscure, I use a custom reverse proxy that I wrote ( based on node-http2-proxy. This proxy has worked for Etherpad for the last 8 years, and it simultaneously works with Wekan, WordPress, Apache httpd, OwnCloud, Gitea, and a host of custom web apps. So it's probably not the proxy server...?
Although if there's something the proxy should be doing that it isn't I could add that.
FWIW, when I upgraded to 2.2.6, I hadn't adjusted anything in settings.json. I added all the new options in settings.json.template and deleted all the old ones, but it made no difference.
I'm puzzled if/how this works for any reverse proxy. In /src/static/pad/socketio.js there is logic that explicitly uses etherpadBaseUrl to set the options for, which correctly routes endpoints to the baseUrl path. Alas, equivalent logic does not exist for /admin/src/App.tsx and /admin/src/store/store.ts, and that code therefore tries to open endpoints bypassing the base path.
To get this far, I set "base" in /admin/vite.config.ts to "/pad/admin" (as a workaround) and then tried changing "/admin-auth/" to "../admin-auth/" in /admin/src/App.tsx and /admin/src/pages/LoginScreen.tsx and now it successfully logs in my admin user (according to console.log), but then fails because it can't create the endpoint.
Investigation continues.
There is a workaround for this. You need to set the x-proxy-auth header. Then everything should be rewritten.
I think you mean x-proxy-path? I added that header to my proxy server and it doesn't seem to work. I see the code in etherpad-lite/src/node/hooks/express/admin.ts that seems like it should handle this, but at first blush it doesn't seem to be. I'm looking at it. [edit: I was setting x-forwarded-path, not x-proxy-path]
Great. So everything should work hopefully :)
(I've been running etherpad-lite behind a reverse-proxy since 2012.) Just upgraded to v2.2.6 and the admin pages do not work properly when not running at '/'.
For example, in my installation, etherpad-lite is accessible through the reverse proxy as "https://servername/pad/". I.e. a pad named test would be accessible as 'https://servername/pad/p/test'. This works okay, but the admin pages do not.
https://servername/pad/admin/ refers to the following URLs: https://servername/admin/assets/index-CSz1dsBf.js and https://servername/admin/assets/index-BSQTLHmC.css. Note that these URLs do not include the '/pad/' directory that allows the reverse-proxy to correctly route requests to etherpad-lite. (This happens for /favicon.ico too.)