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etherpad does a server error when sending a forgotten password reminder #299

Closed eseyman closed 10 years ago

eseyman commented 12 years ago

When I got to the "Recover lost password" page (on /ep/account/forgot-password), enter my password and hit the "Send Email" button, I get a page that says:

"Oops! A server error occured. It's been logged.

Please email if this persists."

The exception logs gives me a rather long trace. I've put it up online here:

sesam commented 12 years ago

The interesting part of the trace is probably this form near the top: at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( at net.appjet.oui.config$.extractHostAndPort(config.scala:117) at net.appjet.oui.config$.smtpServerHost(config.scala:189) at$.sendEmail(ajstdlib.scala:220)

and without checking the source, it appears that etherpad either only supports IP-numbers for the mail host (and not a hostname) or something else.

Does it work to send password reminders if you run your etherpad with instead of the "smtp.intranet" or whatever you're currently using?

eseyman commented 12 years ago

I tried using without any luck (see

Seeing the expression extractHostAndPort in your reply, I then tried using in the configuration file and the email is now sent.

I'll admit I find the parsing a bit too sensitive for my taste but my problem is solved so feel free to close the ticket.