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Why cannot I see your etherdelta website? #114

Open Ellianne opened 7 years ago

Ellianne commented 7 years ago


I am from Europe, please help me to sign in, I want to see my coins. I can see only a white screen without words, please help me to see etherdelta again. You update maybe too frequently, I think in Europe and some other countries and regions it is the same white screen - the website does not open the etherdelta screen. My browser and flash player are excellent, updated in the last 20 days. Everything is perfect. Please help me to get my coins to see at etherdelta, I tried all possible your websites' names. There are billions of people in the world and if people see that it is impossible to open a website, too frequent ''crash'', or difficulties with sign in, then it is a real thing that your website gets fewer and fewer people who buy tokens, assets, coins. You can be very popular, think easier.

aqasamples commented 7 years ago

I experience same issue for last several days. 'Checking your browser' first, and then white screen, and nothing changes for hours. Tried different browsers, different IPs, cleared cache and cookies. Nothing helped. Any idea how this can be resolved?

cbmick commented 7 years ago

Im in Ukraine and having the same problem for the last 2 days

aqasamples commented 7 years ago

Update: when I use VPN everything works fine, but as soon as I disconnect - same problem: white screen and nothing else. And I'm in Ukraine too.