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911 i had lost 480 trying to buy ocoin but i didn't get any coin #448

Open sam3693 opened 6 years ago

sam3693 commented 6 years ago

yes. i just place an order for ocoin but i had enter the wrong thing i had put the ocoin/eth 4390 which is the total coin i'm try to buy and i put on the ocoin box amount you want to buy is 000085090 and the order was placed but i didn't get nothing it took from me more than 480 for 0 coin. can you please help me with this the transaction id is 0x2ed1d9444dc00e3aaa67551ae6667185cb178ea0da6f2305ae9a433bbbe1ceaa. please i need some help with this. i went to chat room and the ask me for my private key but i didn't give it to them because some ones told me don't give you private key to no one. you could reach me at or call me at 5049314979. thanks

alphasignal commented 6 years ago

Dude, you didn't lose your coins. You put in a wrong price which caused an arb and someone hit you straight away, which means that you pretty much bought near enough 0 coins (probably something like 0.0000xxx) for a really expensive price. Unfortunately, this address 0x0000f7f39325076881e5fc566e99595542532ae2 is a bot that just waits for mis-priced orders like yours and it just hoovers them up. I am not sure who it belongs to exactly, but I have been tracking this address for the past 48 hours and it does exactly the same thing in every single token. I wouldn't put it past this address belonging to the dev as the transaction it creates is not created on the exchange, but it written directly to the blockchain itself, bypassing the exchange. So, to cut it short, unfortunately, you will NOT be able to do anything or get your money back. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it is what it is unfortunately. This bot definitely has some inside knowledge as I am a dev and have been trying to figure out how to use the WebSockets API but support here is non-existent. Just be more careful in the future.

alphasignal commented 6 years ago


You can see are this order that is priced at 4390, and you bought 0.000085090 OCN for 0.374 ETH, and the price you were paying was 4390 ETH per 1 OCN. Unfortunately, your mistake buddy, and the fact that ED does not have a matching engine, but just these bots that prey on people like you making mistakes.

sam3693 commented 6 years ago

i really appreciated you help. but this really poor site to have such a payment to go through without confirmation or warring to tell the buyer you are buying something that have no value. such a mistake its easy to happen any giving moment. also i just want to bring to your attention, that this site have a lot of scammer because when i went to the chat room one of the developer was asking me for my private key and i notice that this guy is just a scammer because no one should ask for private key to help me resolve the issue. this should been handled way better than this because any one could get hacked from the chat room and get his money stolen so they should have a admin that could monitor the site to make sure no one get scam and loss his money. as far as my order this really bad service because i just lost 480 for 0 coin that's not really fare and don't know what else to say but i guess not dealing with this site any more it will be much better because you could easily loos money for no reason.

best regards Saleh Omar

alphasignal commented 6 years ago

Hi mate,

Personally I believe that either the dev or someone on the team is running this bot that is taking advantage of users errors, as they bot is not even interacting directly with the smartcontract, and it just just posts directly to the smartcotnract address, and the only way you can do this if you have inside knowledge what to send in the data field for the transaction. If someone does not address this issue I will be making a long post on reddit and elsewhere as this is in effect stealing people's money as it looks like that the platform is intentionally designed in this specific way so that users can make these errors and then those with inside knowledge can take advantage of it. Maybe you can tag the dev and see what happens but I doubt anything will as I have tagged him in a few previous posts and nothing. Just be more vigilant next time and only use exchanges that allow you to send an order where you can set your order type yourself (Limit/Market) as this then means that the exchange is a true exchange and has a matching engine, unlike this platform which is more like an auction site.