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[VERY URGENT] ... Replace old IBTC link on etherdelta by new one ... [VERY URGENT] #478

Open msalemam opened 6 years ago

msalemam commented 6 years ago

I bought iBTC coin from etherdelta palatform and after that I came to know that it’s the wrong link and iBTC should be traded from another link (pinned in developer twitter account and iBTC group in telegram).

Many people did same mistake that I did, to save other of doing same mistake PLEASE replace the old link of trading ibTC that was before Swap with new link after Swap, This is very urgent and important.

Please delete the old contract that is attached to this link:

Address of the old contract: 0x90c88ccd74e57e016acae8ad1eaa12ecf4c06f33 It's wrong, please, remove it!

Replaced the address of the old IBTC contract with this new one below. Address of the correct contract of IBTC: 0x0784dbabb6c6834bddfb7cfee116ba049e5dafab
