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Request to remove / cease trading on $SHOP #559

Open eraneyal opened 6 years ago

eraneyal commented 6 years ago

Please help us to cease all trading of $SHOP on EtherDelta.

Recently a large amount of distributed tokens were Stolen from a syndicate due to a hack of the wallet.

to support the community and project as a whole we are issuing a token swap and also making sure that the hacker is not able to pursue this criminal activities of selling stolen tokens from good folks.

Please assist us in this. Forkdelta and iDex already ceased trading. Here is the message we sent Forkdelta which is certified on Etherscan:

{ "address": "0xd8ba97571d9a78184bbb599bc41bc10a99ffd72f", "msg": "I’m Eran, CEO at Shopin. I request that ForkDelta stop the order book for SHOP token (0x6175f6f85339f1e56affac5a68cbf8297969004d) indefinitely due to a hack. This message is signed for the request posted at on June 28, 2018 and cannot be reused after July 5, 2018.", "sig": "0xd06d3047d8de8568aee8cf4c72f7ef1dc9a00377ecd1d6e8d7efc6796d51ced047cc8317c24db478356e0623c6ddd0aa62d1e54a9baac32820d7e6cd0e124bb21c", "version": "3", "signer": "MEW" }

Etherscan certification:

thank you in advance for helping us make crypto safer for us all.

Best wishes,

Eran CEO Shopin