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Did not place order because available volume too low #562

Open Cyrano71 opened 6 years ago

Cyrano71 commented 6 years ago

I can't place orders ( buy or sell ) with c# etherdelta API.

The message I send via the websocket is the following :


when I use the web UI the message is the following :


So it is exactly the same message but I have no error with the web UI

I have funds at my wallet. I have enough funds deposited to smart contract.
Yet nothing. Anyone is having same issue ? Anyone was able to pass through it ? Any non-c# successes ?

kluebirby commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue in python. No idea what's going wrong and also came here hoping for an answer.. Have you had any success since posting this?

GoldRat commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue on C#. My message is: 42["message", {"amountGive":878460000000000,"tokenGive":"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000","amountGet":60000000000000000,"tokenGet":"0xd4fa1460f537bb9085d22c7bccb5dd450ef28e3a","contractAddr":"0x8d12a197cb00d4747a1fe03395095ce2a5cc6819","expires":6847936,"nonce":1625988488,"user":"0x826d9762eac3f3cda77296f71f1cd077701a8009","v":27,"r":"0xe47d86cdcfe122f50b8a712f7433b7e5988b17bcfa847d437140c0f47fc8adf4","s":"0x17c69abbae042122ceba191897800e823ab5b88963b4faa4514cde6aa53ec15c"}]