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REP tokens locked under old Augur contract #606

Open duanehutchins opened 5 years ago

duanehutchins commented 5 years ago

I foolishly left some REP deposited during the migration to the new Augur contract. The REP still shows in my EtherDelta account, but I can't move it because the old token contract is now locked.


EtherDelta was credited the new tokens under the new Augur contract, but my own balance for the new REP tokens shows as 0.


According to Etherscan, EtherDelta has 893 REP under the old contract address, so I am not the only user affected.

EtherDelta has the new tokens to match the old tokens. Please update the EtherDelta balances for the new REP tokens to include the tokens swapped during the Augur migration.

Old Augur REP contract: 0xe94327d07fc17907b4db788e5adf2ed424addff6 New Augur REP contract: 0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862