etherdelta / smart_contract

EtherDelta smart contract
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Issue with paying for two times 75 Taas token (150Taas) with ethereum, only got 75 Taas #6

Open Oasiserth opened 6 years ago

Oasiserth commented 6 years ago

Look at the file attached. In the window "my transaction" and in the column "trade" one can see two transaction where 75 Taas were bought. By mistake the two orders seems like they count as only 1 since i missed payout of 75 Taas. By searching both transaction on deltabalances it seems like they are counted as one. Take a look here at the Attach file: screen shot 2018-01-13 at 23 05 46 Here is the address the transactions happened on:

This is the one for the 65 Taas:

This is the one for the 75 Taas... seems like both transactions was registered twice at the same time so the EtherDelta exchange only payed out one transaction: Here is the adress for both of them i get when i tried to follow the transaction history in "my transaction" window under the column "important" and "Transaction" in Etherdelta, as one can see it looks exactly the same:

The next transaction under there is for transferring ethereum internal in EtherDelta in order to buy token Taas

Can anyone from the team contact me on mail? Have i lost 75 Taas ?, do i get Ethereum refunded ?... Why does the 75 Taas seems lost when i bought them with little time in between the transaction ? Is there anyone i could get help from with this ?