ethereum-attestation-service / eas-sdk

Ethereum Attestation Service - TypeScript/JavaScript SDK
MIT License
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Provide browser integration instructions (e.g. with React) #48

Closed izziaraffaele closed 9 months ago

izziaraffaele commented 11 months ago

Hey guys!

Just thinking out loud here, but how cool would it be to have a little section in the docs about using the SDK in the frontend? 🤔 Especially after

Oh, and speaking of making things easier, I made this little React package to help devs with the integration with React. Would be super cool if you could check it out and let me know what you think. 🚀🎸

Repo: react-eas on Github npm: react-eas on npm

BTW thanks for the amazing work you're dong at EAS! 💪🔥⭐

slavik0329 commented 11 months ago

@izziaraffaele Amazing! Thank you for building such an awesome tool. I will look more into the repo details but so far it looks great and the docs are nice.